Started by Squad_Sammaron, December 10, 2006, 11:56:45 AM

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No offense, Admin, but i don't like the titles. lol Doofi sent em to me. Homo Erectus?! Buddy, Erectus could barely speak and they were'nt INOVATIVE (they were'nt dumber though)!!! lol kinda funny.
i propose new titles, but don't know about....O! I GOT IT!
posts                    title
0                          Squad_Sammaron Wannabe
50                        Have Seen Squad_Sammaron Before
200                      Have worked with Squad_Sammaron
300                      Squad_Sammaron Disciple
350                      Squad_Sammaron Apprentice
500                      Squad_Sammaron Cohoert
Squad_Samamron King

well, whaddaya think?
20 days to vote. folks
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All

Dark Lord

yes they should be changed or especially the ability of custom titles i hate forums that dont give us those
current ones i consider pretty disgraceful as well- i have never liked primates that much, ridiculous anyone believes we come from those stupid animals
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade


Nebar took me a whole five minutes work too come up with them =D and Sulifried added more hehe.

If it gets outvoted here, then I guess we can change them...but too somethign Star Was lol.

I wont do custom titles...because thats just one more thing too check...and I have never even seen it on forums, this is your posting title btw. every 5-10 posts it changes too somethign diffrent. O and it has nothign too do with thinking we came from primates...just somethign I thought of. lol I don't think we came from primates eather, stupidest thing I have ever heard...
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


I like Primates.... But I also think we should have new posting titles. Going with the forums, like Modding Noob, Begginer Modder, and RC Modding Veteran. There would be more of course, but post titles along those lines would be good.
In-game name: Genesis

Dark Lord

yeah, but then uve got ppl like me who spend most of their time lurking getting called a noob
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade


Well... I guess so... What I did with my clan's forums is disable the ranks. I deleted all the ranks and now there aren't any, so it doesn't cause any problems.
In-game name: Genesis


First off, Primates aren't stupid. Second off, Homo Erectus wasn't a primate!!! It was a normal, bipedal person just like you or me, with thicker brows. They didn't know as much, but they gave rise to Homo SAPIEN Archaec and Homo Neanderthalensis (which may have been smarter than us. Their brains were larger and the were more peaceful, just less innovative).

//EDIT: lol forgot, nobody ever really said we came from monkeys. second off, the vote is if you wanna CHANGE the titles, not neccesarily to my titles :D
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All



Heehee ^^ this post has a point. Can we start rackin the old noggin for some titles pls? so fat (lol so fat ^^ so FAR), i've drawn a blank. i keep gettin 'King, to self-centered...Spin-mastah Sammaron?' It's tough bein me, all tuff (read outsiders ;) you'll get it).

Right time for ideas. post away, my monkey named friends! post away!
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All