My Retirement...

Started by Sulfied Shrike, September 25, 2006, 09:10:57 PM

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Sulfied Shrike

... from mapping. Maybe at some point you all may remember where I've pitched the old "well, I need to complete this so-and-so map so I can quit" speeches in the past. Well, that time is now. whether I win the competition, or more likely, not even finish in time, October 1st will be my last day mapping for RC, and it's a truly sad day.

Before anything more is said, however, I want to congratulate all who I've been able to work and hang with for over a year and a half while I have the chance - this is by no means a comprehensive list, so please forgive me if I missed anyone:

Sandcrawler: Sandy, I am truly appreciative of all that you've done up to this point. Despite the understandable hiatus, the work that you've put into uniting our forum, download center, tutorials, and the like have exceeded beyond what I could have imagined. Truth be told, I regret not supporting you when you needed it in the beginning, and for that I'm sorry. (Too lazy :wink:) Despite that, you plodded on, and I'm completely confident that you'll man these forums to the end.

DooFi: You've provided valuable support, not only in attendance for the forum, but also for anyone who had a question or problem. Always ready to point out that my methods wasn't even worth it, (I like to delete things, rrrrrrgggghh!) you helped in many ways. I've always respected your sense of style when it came to mapping, and I always considered your work far closer to perfection than mine, and the willingness to extend RC borders beyond the conventional always impressed me.

Darktrooper: DT, the sheer fact that you were one of my inspirations to actually attempt mapping is enough credit. But even without that, your work as a mapper and as one of the first to create such huge and popular maps makes you one of the best in my book. Sorry for leaving so soon after you came back, but I bet we'll meet again.

RebornJediLdr: Reborn, your professional and friendly dealings with others, and your help with the TR project made it one of the most fun I've done. If you ever get a chance to read this, thanks, and take care.

Arramus: Arramus, you've helped me and my bro Hiroshige on the path to mapping, and your work as a mapper has always been something to strive for. You were always friendly and quick to compliment, and for that, I thank you. Be fair, Play hard. :)

Again, I didn't want to extend this long-winded speech any more than I had to, so I'm sorry to anyone who isn't on the list. It doesn't matter really, because you all have displayed the attitude that has made this forum so enjoyable to host. Thanks a lot guys - I know I'm blowing this up bigger than it has to be - but despite that, I hope to see you all again.

I'll be around for five more days, but after that, I'm off the radar for good.

Until we meet again on the battlefield, take care.

S-S out.


:( its official now..
Will you make maps for other games or do you retract from modding at all?
I hope to see you around here sometimes. You'll be a big loss for the community, as i said in the admin thread ;)


#2 ill edit that for you.
Squad Sammaron: For being so great and amazing. Also for your undineiable spelling abilitys. :D

Well, now that ive got that across, dont make it official. lol i want you to stay just as much as they next guy, but making it official makes it sound permanant. :D later, i hope :D
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


Aw damn. :(

QuoteI'll be around for five more days, but after that, I'm off the radar for good.

As in not making an apperance on the forums here and on others anymore? :(


yea about that. are you gunna be back again playin RC? me too! cool... thats wat you meant rite? was just some cool phrase?! IS THE WORLD COMING TO A CLOSE!??? well, i propose we through a good bye party. just my opinion. and its a darn good 'un.
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


sh*t Georgey, look what you did!  
Damnit lucas, anounce RC2 before October 1st!!

Sulfied Shrike

Nice try Explode, but he can't hear you from atop his mountain of money. :?

No Squad, it most likely means I'll take off for good, more or less. *shrugs* It also means that yes, Weapon, I will no longer frequent this forum, and by extension the others for good. It's harsh, I know, and I can't explain my reasons for leaving the community like this, but be assured guys that it has nothing to do with anything that went wrong or the like - I leave with no hard feelings or regrets at all. For me, it's just time to move on.

Quote from: "Squad"well, i propose we through a good bye party. just my opinion. and its a darn good 'un.
I appreciate you wanting to do that Squad, but I don't want to make this a big deal, as much as I can at least.

Who knows guys? I enjoy building things, and I usually revisit old hobbies once in a while, so I may return. :) (you all better behave!)




lol the party was a joke, but it would be kinda fun :D lol Virtual PTY!!! WHOOA!! lol
Squad_Sammaron: ALL RIGHT!! WHOO!
well revist this hobby soon. i quit before, but im back :D its really easy
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All

Sulfied Shrike

I know it Squad, but until then, so long! :wink:

Long Live RC!! Wooooooo-

*Transmission End*



Jeez I hope you return. I've been a fan of your work ya know, and you seem to be a pretty awesome guy plus you're helpful when it comes to that treacherous rebel scum known as UNrealED.....