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Messages - RC-2375

1. Make Mission Objectives Appear At A Certain Point, then once their done, make them complete?

2. Hack a console and make doors open?

3. How to make triggers work period... Hehe... .
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat / Re
May 15, 2007, 06:37:27 AM
So I need To Place A PathNode that connects to the Navigation Point? I'll try this... I'll let you know. Thanks.

Ok. I figured it out. I had to go to the nav point's proporties and go to AI and select Sniper as TRUE.

Now... Anyone know how to do that with a demo charge on a droid dispenser?

<DooFi>See? The edit-button looks like this and you find it in the upper right corner of your posting: </DooFi>
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat / Re
May 14, 2007, 12:43:18 PM
Actually, Those are the tuts that I used to do it...

The Markers show up and everything. But When You Order One Of The Squad To Go Snipe... They Refuse.
Hi All. I'm New. Nice Place You Got Here. Anyway, I've Been Trying Out The RepCom Editor, and I understand some, but I can't get the squad markers to work. I mean I can... But The Squad Refused to Go There. Ideas?