Project RC II

Started by VodeAn, April 30, 2007, 06:55:01 PM

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well that would be cool, cause im VERY curious now what your mod is now  :D  :D  :D


sinse your so curious ill fill everybody in with a little information, which my or my not have been released yet... ready...
-you start on your ship, over 3000 years after nuclear war (anw) on earth
-ok some background, yavin appeared about .25 lightyears away from earth in about 2100 AD, our technology shot over 3000 years forward and we were pretty much in the star wars universe. unfortunately humans find that we are relitavely close to merc controled planets and as soon as we make contact (app. 2900 AD) the war starts.
-you as the main character and your squad are given weapons and armor based of the commando's
-your first mission in the mod is to board a buried republic assult ship in ancient geneosis and rescue the engineers being held hostage
-your second mission is an offense on the mercs
you're welcome.


is that the whole idea of the RC2-mod? the (not entirely) the same mod as i had before? geee....i wouldnt have recognised it in the game :P


ya well the lack of dialogue can be misleading which I hope I can fix


o what you also should do is fixing the voices, which are very silent; i can barely hear what they say. if you could, id also delete the audio files using the names from the old squaddies ("62, getting in position")


I should be able to get the voices in, soon, I can record from the bedroom now, so if I have a genuinely genius idea, I can easily record it immediately.
until the next release... sincerely VodeAn


Are you replacing all the voices, or only the ones that mention old things like RC-1266 said?


id like to but i don't think i have time to replace them all.


If you want, I could record stuff.  I can do voices, and I could do sound effects as needed.


do soundeffects?
"boom, bang bang bang....BOOM"?  :wink:


Sure, as long as their mono wav files with the right encoding.  If some of the squad commands could be replaced that would be great, so i guess thats the first thing i need, and idealy we should have multiple people for each squad member, so if two other people can do some recording too id be set.


well i dont wanna be arrogant but i can do a voice as well
ive access to the recording-devices of a radio-studio, because i have a small radio-program with some of my friendz
after coming tuesday i could send you a sample so you can decide whether you like it or not
(and now i hope i dont forget :wink: )
but if you dont want me anyway, im not offended  :evil:


Exactly how do you need the file set up?  I can convert to almost any audio format at many different sampling rates and choose mono or stereo.


same 4 me
or if i cant, ill find a way  :wink:


the best format would be wav, mono, 16 bit, 44100 Hz