Whats with the member list?

Started by Hybrid_Soldier196, October 21, 2006, 06:47:43 PM

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i mean for about 2 days it said 57 members, today 52, tomorrow who knows!!! Whats goin on?


we're getting a lot of spam/ad-users...


ahhh not cool. Good job sorting them out :wink:




Looks like there back...about 10 of em.


They wont be in a few minutes hehe.
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


wtf, i did not let them in, did i? xD I'm getting tons of mails and most of them go straight into the bin when they contain sth like "John L." or whatever they randomly pick out of their (pretty small) lists^^


Nah you didn't let them in, it wouldn't let them post anywhere but here had they tried too post, but phpbb shopws accounts that have registered even when its set too admin approval. Kinda dumb, but it pretty easy too delte them hehe just takes a bit of time.

This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


Clean up time!! :wink:  and thats me who posted as the guest. Login just doesnt want to work sometimes.


Yeah to login right you have to login 2 times. It's kinda annoying and the Remember me? thing doesn't work either.
In-game name: Genesis


QuoteIt's kinda annoying


Not sure whay its doing that too you guy, I only have too log in once 0.o I never use remeber me ebcause I use opera and I just hit ctrl enter and puts in my usernam and password. It could be that you have your cookie settings low.
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


Why do people spam? You give them a website to post and chat with frends and what do they do
spam :( whats this world comeing 2?


Well i guess your right sandy, cuz just now it took me only one login. Oh well.
In-game name: Genesis


You guys are not alone, I used to have a forum like this for a mod I manage and the spammers got so bad we had to dump the forums.