Trouble Shoot

Started by IronJaw, September 23, 2009, 08:09:13 PM

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<I like having a single topic for my questions. It keeps the forum less cluttered.  :) >

I'm going through the Sandcrawler Tutorial, and have finished the part about connecting the two rooms (Remove?). But when I go to MP and switch over to my map and spawn I instantly die. Both rooms are there. And it worked fine before I added the second room. So? What's wrong?



Make sure you added a Respawn point into the rooms.


Also check that your spawn point isn't placed out of the box.

Placing spawn points, static meshes, and wepaons in the 3D viewport is the best thing.
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I "built all" again, and this time "x"ed out of Unreal Editor, and it worked fine.