Convert a Pawn to a Static Mesh?

Started by RC-1266, June 03, 2008, 11:40:48 AM

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I need for a new map I'm working on a clonecommando with spread arms as a static mesh, so I don't want him to move or think, just stand there the same way as you place him in the editor.
BUT.....I can't find out how to do that, so can someone help me on this?


I could be wrong, but I think they are static meshes before you make them into pawns, or they could be multiple meshes, depends on how its rendered.

I would just poke around in the Static meshes and see if you can find that mesh.
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to sandcrawler:

true.. they're in a static mesh package named "skeletalmeshes or something" buuut.. its impossible to open or well maybe you got to do something before opening it :S


to IcePwn:
I tried and seatched, but it didn't help  :wink:

but if someone knows another way, tell me :mrgreen:


Hmm I dont have an awnser for you, I tried making him unmovable, ect in the Advanced tab, but it made him do a little hop. The only thing I can think of that might be a solution is if you looked in the Into map they have them standing or sitting around boxes at one point, but I don't know how your trying to use it.
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well i wanted to make him standing like a statue half in a wall, but i think that ill use the SBD from the normal static meshes instead if its going to be that hard.
i also found a lot of clones in the "animation" browser from UnrealED, but when I place those I cant even see them in the game K)


I still didn't find out ways to literally convert a pawn to a static mesh, but i actually found a way to place clone commando-statues in your level.

Go to Actor Classes > MarkerIconActor > SquadMarker > CTMarker and choose one of the marker icons there. They are the holographic single player projections from your HUD that show you where your squadmembers can perform snipe, aa, grenade, slice, hack, mount, revive, bacta-use, and disarm manouvres.
Once you've placed one, just change the skin using one of the CloneTextures and place some simple Blocking Volumes around them.

Note: Reskinning them will give the weapons the cloneskin as well, so I suggest you pick another one. Also the detail is quite low.

For atromechs, battledroids, super battle droids, droidekas, dwarf spider droids and geonosians you can pick the static meshes from the Weapons-package and build them yourself.