Machinima Project for rc.

Started by Fungus, August 06, 2009, 03:40:08 AM

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Hey, -=TAG=- Fungus here.

Myself and my friend Fuzzy are hoping to make a Machinima For republic commando. i know this will be a hard Task we are not going to have voices, mainly because we cant find voice actors (people that sound mature, not like little kids >.>). We are hoping that we can have your support for this because we would like your community to design maps for the machinima, we would also like if some of you could participate in this. The genre is going to be Comedy/action

These are the positions we have so far.
Director(s): Fungus (be creative with the script)
Cameraman: Danny (Person who takes videos from different angles)
Actor(s): Fuzzy      (play Characters, good/evil)
Editor:Danny          (Someone who can can make title, credits, text and effects)
Map maker:           (people who design the maps for RC.)

If you would like to be one of these or hear more information Please add me on x-fire: Fungus0707

I know its not alot of people so far but we would like to start from somewhere, I hope some of you will help me and my friend.

Yours sincerely
                      ~ Fungus (P.S you wont get paid, sorry)

Edit: hear is one video we have done before:

It was a recruitment video for TAG, not excellent i know.

Also if this project does happen it will hopefully make Republic commando more popular.

(have i put this in the right place?)


Good luck!
It'd be nice to see a machinima made with SW:RC


Have you guys started yet? I already started mine. :P


Hey ive made some pretty dam good maps maybe i could help and also could i be in it i like to be trandos basically i love aliens hate humans
That's a whole Bowlful of FAIL!!!


I can both make maps and act. I have made a Machinima before and put to my YouTube channel jet7wave. It is my first and pretty noobish but still a Machinima.
I was Ralex. I have finaly got to know how to change name! The thing was that I didn't know how to change it. :S
Proud member of Psycho.


FINALLY  a youtube machinima for swrc to bad the blame~truth only does xbox games allthough swrc is for xbox
sombody please tell me what im doing wrong or if sombody just hates me i dont care if its just becuase you hate me for talking about other games and stuff but if i knew where to find the modding sites (were you MAKE the maps) then i wouldnt be only talking about games


It's easy to make Machinima's for SWRC, the only problem is that you need actors (people who can run around and do all the things in the movie) and thats hard to find. There is a low amount of SWRC players at all, how about the actors then? If you want to be in a Machinima you can contact me and our clan who have planned to make one. The other problem is that we need a server, our leader got one but he's not always in.
I was Ralex. I have finaly got to know how to change name! The thing was that I didn't know how to change it. :S
Proud member of Psycho.


sombody please tell me what im doing wrong or if sombody just hates me i dont care if its just becuase you hate me for talking about other games and stuff but if i knew where to find the modding sites (were you MAKE the maps) then i wouldnt be only talking about games