Possible to scale playersize?

Started by RC-1266, December 21, 2007, 12:28:39 AM

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I it possible to scale the size of players, just like you can scale brushes, static meshes and actors? Í'm working on a map (DeathMaze, see Maps in Progress) and the map might be better if it's a bit bigger (though the idea was "crouch a lot"). But I dont't want to have to make it all over again so I'm wondering if it's possible to make the size of the player smaller, instead of making the map bigger.




Yes, It is possible.....sort of....
You need to actually go into the properties of the players and scale them, but this presents several problems....
1) It will be treated as a mod and players will need to download it to play that map, but will not be able to play in servers NOT running the mod...
2) It messes up the ragdolls after you die...bigtime...I think that the problem is that the player model stays the same size, but the karma skeleton is the same size, I think that this can be corrected by scaling the skeleton, certainly a pain because karma actors DO NOT scale well...
3) You get into the wrong frame of scale reference for your map...lets say that a hallway that a player can stand, walk, and jump in is about 256 units and you scale the player to half his regular size....Seems simple enough, but you might make half the map and realize that you made all the "tight" spaces twice the size they should be....this makes it harder, because you can either rebuild the entire map from scratch, or try and fix your mistakes....
what I'm trying to say is that you'd probably be better off just keeping your old map, and make a new, bigger (or smaller), better map....
By the way, good luck!
If you need anymore help, feel free to email me , mailto:exploderman@hotmail.com">exploderman@hotmail.com!


hey isn't there way, like i know you can set the crouch height and stuff. i wonder if you could change the standing height without messing up those properties unless thats what you mean.


yes that would be nice indeed