Sandcrawler Network

Unreal Modder's Haven => Maps in Progress => Completed Maps => Topic started by: icepwn on February 17, 2010, 07:23:11 AM

Title: 1hit_sniper and 1hit_shotgun (see post#2)
Post by: icepwn on February 17, 2010, 07:23:11 AM
Instead of rewriting about this map again i just copyed what i wrote on the galactic guardians forums.

So pretty much like an css headshot map.

Here you have snipers laying around and you must get an headshot to get a kill (or throw 1 of the 2 grenades you have)
Because every second players are healed to full hp, so you need to get an headshot. I know its hard to get headshots on a crouching target
but i made it so if theyre crouching it doesnt heal them while they are crouching. But they can let go of c for a second and crouch again to get full hp, a glitch, i know.
Also there is no way to get to the other side, so this is meant for team deathmatch.
Anyways here are some screenshots:
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Download coming soon.
Title: 1hit_shotgun
Post by: icepwn on February 17, 2010, 07:24:39 AM
copyed of gg forum.


pretty much like 1hit_sniper but this works for deathmatch also, if you shoot someone he gets healed, so if your shot doesnt kill him he will get full hp again.
(does not apply for sheild though) shotguns laying out everywhere in the map, so yeah have fun shooting someone to death.

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download coming soon.