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Messages - Adenn

A patch to allow compatability between vista, my nvidia card and the republic commando unreal editor.
Projects / Re: Republic Commando: Mhor Kote (Our Glory)
November 15, 2008, 12:59:40 AM
No progress whatsoever. Windows Vista and the Republic Commando version of UnReal Ed are uncompatible. The only thing I can do is wait and plan.
JUNE 23, 2008 UPDATE
-a background story for havoc squad (or fire team havoc) has been scripted: this includes specific details about each clone
-more gameplay changes are being planned such as removing recoil from energy based weapons and tweaking armor strenghts and weaknesses against certain weapon types
Single Player Level Design /
May 16, 2008, 07:09:30 PM
Actor Classes> Pawn> CTPawn> Choose which character you want to modify> when you bring up the character properties look for the AI section and there you can change the accuracy (and a lot of other things too)
Projects /
May 16, 2008, 06:53:47 PM
MAY 16, 2008 UPDATE
-a preliminary version of havoc squad has been put into the game: they all use the matte black skin right now and each commando has unique gadgets on their armor
-weapon damages are being tweaked some more
-minor details for what will hopefully be the first map "The Battle of Dantooine" have been fleshed out

Here is the first look at Havoc squad in game:
Projects /
May 16, 2008, 01:40:48 PM
A quick note to those who play the mod...

Mhor Kote is designed to be played on the medium difficulty setting. This is because the easy and hard difficulty settings have general damage multipliers to increase or decrease game difficulty and those multipliers essentially nullify the changes made in Mhor Kote. Take my word for it; you will have penty of new challenges with Mhor Kote on the medium difficulty setting; there are changes to AI accuracy, weapon damages and armor.
Projects /
May 15, 2008, 10:45:26 PM
Mhor Kote gameplay revision 1a is now ready for download here: ... einfo.html

Be sure to make backups of the original properties.u file. Just place the new properties.u file in the properties folder and the mod will run.

Remember that this is an alpha version, so please give feedback!
Projects /
May 15, 2008, 05:47:28 PM
The first gameplay revision is almost done!
Projects /
May 15, 2008, 01:03:29 PM
I'm glad to see that people are interested in this! Right now the work is really fair game to anyone who wants to work on it.

MAY 15, 2008 UPDATE
-damage variance and damage types are being changed to reflet the tactical decisions you will be able to make with each weapon (eg: energy weapons are good for droids and ballistic weapons are not)
-the changes will generalize the damage type, so instead of the DC17m blaster having the "EnergyDC17" damage type it will have the "Energy" damage type
-armor/health/shield values will continue to be tweaked
The idea for Mhor Kote came about when I started to fool around with UnrealEd. I decided to make some gameplay changes to the default game which involved "movie ralism." This means that you and your enemies will die quicker. A comparison between the default gameplay and the Mhor Kote gameplay: the battle droid in the default game takes about 5-6 shots to kill and the battle droid in Mhor Kote takes about 2-3 shots to kill. The gameplay revision soon sprouted into something much larger...

After these core gameplay changes are completed, the focus of Mhor Kote will shift to a set of new single-player campaign missions surrounding the fan-fiction Havoc squad (made by myself and several others). The squad will comprise of four members: RC-1147 "Tracyn", RC-1228 "Dash", RC-1208 "Adenn" and RC-1153 "Laam'inui." The squad will have custom skins and hopefully some custom accessories.

The layout of the missions wil be similar to that of the missions in the default game. They will have a chronological flow through the battles of the Clone Wars. The hope is to allow players to experience the new gameplay changes in a new environment.

Right now the missions are in the concepting stage and this is what I have so far:
1. battle of geonosis: Geonosis
-havoc squad is inserted alongside delta squad
-deltas break off and go behind enemy lines, while the havocs stay with the bulk of the direct fighting
-main objectives are to clear paths to the core ships for direct assaults

2. dark reaper crisis: Rhen Var, Raxus Prime, Thule
-separatists attack republic outpost on Rhen Var and planet is taken
-obi-wan and anakin are sent to Raxus Prime along with Havoc Squad
-Havocs must trace and follow Dooku while he finds the pieces to the Dark Reaper
-on Thule moon Havoc squad must help jedi assault the shield generators and destroy them
-on Thule infiltrate the sith city Kessia and clear the path for republic forces

3. defense of kamino: Kamino
-members of Havoc squad are immediately taken to Kamino to bolster defenses against the separatists
-Havoc squad must capture and hold vital areas in order to hold off the seps

4. conquest of muunilist: Muunilist
-the Muunilist 10 takes out artillery to clear the way for Havoc squad's infiltration of the Muunilist droid factories
-Havoc squad must cripple the factories

5. battle of dantooine: Dantooine
-Havoc squad must insert into and destroy several seismic tanks to help the clones lead by Windu

6. the battle of hypori: Hypori
-Havoc squad is sent along with the Muunilist 10 to Hypori to back up republic forces
-they arrive too late in the battle and the odds are against them
-Havocs must set up defensive positions and hold them until the sep forces are wiped out

7. the bassadro massacre: Ord Cestus (The Cestus Deception)
-Havoc squad is deployed to Ord Cestus destroy the JK-13 (jedi killer) droids
-they find themselves quickly overwhelmed and are forced to halt their advance
-the mission is compromised and Havoc squad pulls out so that the republic can proceed with planetary bombardment

There will be about 4 missions under each battle and they will link to eahother in regard to the plotline.

I know that this is a large undertaking and I could definately use some help from the commuity (epecially with the creation of maps)!