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Topics - Squad_Sammaron

November 23, 2006, 09:09:32 AM
WHOOP! I GOT BLENDER GETTING SM'S INTO UE! okay, in case you didnt know, blender is a free, open-source 3d thingy! it's really neat. there is a plug-in allowing SMs. then,  you can export it from UE to milk-shape and make skeletal meshes for it! AWESOME!! you understand this mean's new weapons, people, new GAME?! (that last part's a lil exagerated :D) theres only one issue... is this okay? can we COMPLETELY alter the game, so long as we don't mess with source code?
General / Wings3d to UE
November 21, 2006, 05:02:55 PM
right, can someone tell me where to get a plug in to UE from wings? or blender or milkshape, anything!!!
P.S. i got one from blender, but i don't know y it won't work. theres some texture thing i'm not doin right and no tut's on it what so ever. the only is in Doom context, and doesn't tell you how to fix this problem.
General / Spreading the Word
November 15, 2006, 12:57:09 PM
all right, i wanna ask ne one whos playing to do this. create another player, exactly the same is you(just a new profile w/ same name). go to a  MP match and in the console (~ aka `) type in this 'set input key p say! NEW FREE MAP DOWNLOADS!' this will make it so whenever you push p it will say that. you need to create new profile because if you put it on something like t, you can't say anything but that (and i don't know how to remove it; typing 'set input key t say' then nothing won't work) also, if this doesn't work, post here.
General / Maya
November 14, 2006, 03:58:16 PM
right, well, i been lookin at maya and like it. unfortunately, i can't find a way to export my models from Maya 7 PLE to UE. is there a way to do this or do i have to pay 2 grand to get maya?
wats that thingy? with the tags and stuff. is that a chat box? it's blank for me.
General / easier Water thing
November 11, 2006, 08:42:24 AM
ok most people do water by doin that wierd thing with the ugly water tex and makin a no grav zone cause the water maker doesnt work, right? well ya. watcha gotta do is copy the water from Detention onto your map. right click it (this can take some clicks)and select actor properties. then set it's object>group to None. then build all. it will no longer flicker. now you can open up it's fluid surface sub-option and change it's fluidx and fluidy. to change it's z, drawscale z it (display>drawscale 3d>drawscale z.) and there you have it :D you still gotta make the no grav section, but it makes the water splash and look good :D
man that title sucked. :D
well here ya go
first open default properties(ooooooh! default properties). now, spontaneously push hidden, and scroll down to HUDNickName. change that to w/e and that'll show the name when ya point at him. push  HUDDescription or w/e is right above it and make that the same thing, so above the lil symbol on the hud, it will say that. huzzah!
Single Player Level Design / Squads in MP?!
November 08, 2006, 01:54:06 PM
dont see y it couldnt be done, right? i'm gunna mess around with that...anyone know y i can control them in singleplayer?! lol
General / screens (edited?)
November 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM
look at this:
EDIT: OMG this link was so freaking long DooFi had to shorten it a bit :mrgreen:
are these screens edited or not?! lol they look perty good to me :D
whoop! in my coding tut (i cant post it because pics won't come up) i made a flame lobbin crosbow and i made a real flame thrower! once again, pic problem :D y can't you just cut/paste pics :D
i can't find out how the weapons know what proj to use. there are classes for them, but i can't find out how to make a new one to go to a weap i'm making. if you dont know that, will someone tell me how to change the elite beam's proj look?(i.e. CTEffect)
General / tut question
October 24, 2006, 03:34:10 PM
ok for the collision tut, UE crashes everytime i try to convert mesh to brush, ne help here? should i just reinstall or sumpin?
General / CODING TUT
October 24, 2006, 03:29:15 PM
ok i'm sick of these weapons. i'm makin new ones but i want some other peeps to make some to. so will someone write a coding tut? or can i?
General / Mod month
October 23, 2006, 03:11:14 PM
all right... umm... i wanna do mod month, but folks won't change the flippin floor plan :D lol won't announce winner either. unreliable :wink:  :D all right SOOOO, are we gunna start it up or not?
not sure how it works but here ya go
event PostBeginPlay()

// Execute an administrative console command on the server.
exec function Admin( string CommandLine )
local string Result;

Result = ConsoleCommand( CommandLine );
if( Result!="" )
ClientMessage( Result );

exec function KickBan( string S )


// center print admin messages which start with #
exec function Say( string Msg )
local controller C;

if ( left(Msg,1) == "#" )
Msg = right(Msg,len(Msg)-1);
for( C=Level.ControllerList; C!=None; C=C.nextController )
if( C.IsA('PlayerController') )
PlayerController(C).SetProgressMessage(0, Msg, class'Canvas'.Static.MakeColor(255,255,255));

exec function Kick( string S )


exec function PlayerList()
local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;

log("Player List:");
ForEach DynamicActors(class'PlayerReplicationInfo', PRI)
log(PRI.PlayerName@"( ping"@PRI.Ping$")");

exec function RestartMap()
ClientTravel( "?restart", TRAVEL_Relative, false );

exec function Switch( string URL )
Level.ServerTravel( URL, false );
all the admin script kicks and all :D Sandy says it's from UTO4. if you find out how to use it tell me :D
General / Exporting UnrealScript
October 22, 2006, 09:11:28 AM
okay, i've been trying to export all script from unrealed :D well, i follow tuts, and it ends up for some reason you can't export them because they're 'read-only'ed. i tried taking it off that (right clicking the whole republic commando file>properties>uncheck the box), but after aplying, it goes right back to being a mixed check (a full colored check box. means some are read-only within in file, some aren't). well, then i tried making unrealed un-read-only, only to find that it already is!! then i tried exportin neway. if you try to 'force it' or watever that lil pop-up that comes up when you do it wants you to do, the script comes out saying it's unnacsesable!!! GAH! there's no end to this madness. can someone pls help me out!!!
General / start a team locked
October 20, 2006, 04:00:00 PM
Anyone want to tell me why the 'start a team forum' is locked?
can i make a mover to respond to d and a all seperately? i wanna make a turrent on a mover that can move different ways. by seperately im mean, pushing a will move it one way, d, a different.
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat / one sided meshes
October 16, 2006, 02:06:44 PM
ok some of my meshes are one sided, so i can see right through em. um... is that fixable or were the meshes just made that way?. second of all, when i try to change a mesh to a brush for that collision stuff, it crashes... lil help.
General / ROK admin server (ARRAMUS)
October 02, 2006, 12:57:24 PM
ok ive been playin the ROK server which most of you probably know about. a message, signed from arramus, occasionally pops in white that says he's tryin to get maps together to distrubute buts to lazy, then explains its not admin or somethin its an admin tool. egi or egl or somethin. so wats this all about? wats ROK? Wats arramus got to do with it? am i the only one who doesnt know this stuf?!