Clone Trooper Classes

Started by jaysta95, January 01, 2009, 08:27:05 PM

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I am going to make the Clone Troopers have different armor to differentiate them by ranks. like some would b blue and some red..... but i am wondering if somehow u can clone the original clone model and rename it like clone_trooper_blue or clone_trooper_green. and then i could add them to the map. each would have a different texture. i know how to re-texture, but how would i copy the clone model and save it and give it my custom textures?????like if some1 could walk me through it! PLZ this would be really cool to have in SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


save it? i have no idea. but i can help you with applying the texture.

for example, you have made a skin called 001.bmp
you import it, put it in the package myLevel and you call the folder skins. you call the skin 001 for now.
Go to the Actor Properties > Display > Skins > Add
now type this:
and press enter

if everything goes right you should be able to see a reskinned clone now.
a clone that you can copy with ctrl+w.


but are the skins randomized??? like on the battlefield you'd see some red, some blue, some green, etc, etc, etc?????


and do i make a folder called mylevel???? and what is a package???!?!?!?!?!?! AHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where do i make this folder!!!


)OHOHOHOHOHHO!!!!!!!!!! I C!!!!!!!!!! u hit import the package is myLevel, the folder is skins. but the texture.... u said do texture 'mylevel.skins.001'.......... does it need to b capitolized like the package?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? OR DOES THE WORD TEXTURE!!!!!!!!!!!


Is there a question someplace in all those question marks?
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@ jaysta95:
1. As far as i know the skins are not randomized, if you want your clone to have a certain skin, you will have to apply it yourself, like i told you how.
2. When you import a texture, you get a little popup with three fields you can fill in, one called Package, one called Folder and one called Texture.
By naming the package myLevel, the package itself will be made and the skin will be placed in the folder, which is named exactly the way you did in the popup screen. The texture/skin itself is named after the name you give it in that Texture-field.
The package is like the main folder name, like UpperKashyyk_Textures or Assaultship_Textures. But I recommend that you put it in the package myLevel to make sure you don't overwrite other textures.
3. I think it doesn't matter whether you capitolize it or not, the program itself will find its way. BUT i didn't say texture 'mylevel.skins.001', I said texture'mylevel.skins.001'. Very small difference, but make sure that you don't place spaces between the words, it has to be one part.
4. If no-one has answered your question yet, you can click on the edit-button on the right bottom of your forum message, instead of posting a whole new one. Or else we will see a whole thread being spammed by a guy named jaysta95.

@ Sandcrawler:
Yes, there certainly is. You just don't find it easily :P


O by the way there is another way to apply an (imported) texture to a pawn or static mesh.
Select the desired texture in the texture browser, select the static mesh/pawn, go to the Actor Properties > Display > Skins > Add and click Use.
UnrealED will put the string of text now in the textfield automatically.
That saves some time, you don't have to remember the whole pathname and you can't make any type-errors then.
I forgot that whole thing myself as well, that's why I didn't mention it before  :?