Sandcrawler Network

Unreal Modder's Haven => Maps in Progress => Completed Maps => Topic started by: Dark Lord on August 20, 2010, 12:16:32 PM

Title: [RC] snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on August 20, 2010, 12:16:32 PM
another addition to my collection of secret base/fortress things, but for this map, i decided to go with something a little more unique.
obviously, there is snow on this map, making it a very different environment
the theme of this one is mainly a vehicle depot kind of place, that supplies ATTEs to the military stationed on this particular planet
i've gone with a little more gritty feel than usual, and things are a little less comfortable looking than i usually make them, and there is also less stuff placed underground, so that on this map the terrain area will actually get used a little more lol
here is a screenshot of what is completed so far (probably like 70% finished or so)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: frazscotland on August 20, 2010, 12:51:18 PM
fantastic Darklord good to see you are back and still have the mapskillz !! 8) :) 8)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Jet on August 20, 2010, 12:55:13 PM
I have to try that one. Did you download the snow texture or found it in RC? I would like to know where. Probleby the snipers will be used alot in that big area outside for long range combat.
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on August 21, 2010, 06:56:03 PM
textures came from here:
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: leeroy on August 21, 2010, 07:10:18 PM
nice please tell me when its done so i can TRY to download it and play it
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: zeix72 on September 09, 2010, 04:18:12 PM
I swear that you can do anything you want. With your maps thats amazing.
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Sandcrawler on September 09, 2010, 05:19:33 PM
Hmm what about snow falling on the map? maybe with the visor getting bits of snow as well.
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: frazscotland on September 09, 2010, 07:52:03 PM
Brilliant ide sandcrawler thats something ive not sen yet also ive not seen a map yet with ACIDIC RAIN like that map in Jedi academy  8)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on September 09, 2010, 10:48:27 PM
ill have to look into that, not really sure how i would go about it though, seeing as how most effects dont show in the MP (the visor rain does, but not rain)

the map is basically done, but i just dont feel like it is complete enough lol, so im throwing in a few extra goodies
any ideas?
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Sandcrawler on September 09, 2010, 11:06:05 PM
When I get a chance I'll post a few ways you could do snow. There is also a way to make the effects work in MP, (its pinned in one of the forums I believe)

A snowball thrower instead of AA? :P
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on September 10, 2010, 07:41:57 AM
k, that would definitely be cool to have in the map

as for the AA, i was thinking more along the lines of it killing whoever fires it ;)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: {CCP}VI on September 10, 2010, 10:24:08 AM
very nice map.
for snow effects i would take the normal rain emitter. take it and place it into your skybox so its appear everywhere in the map. then go to the default properties of your emitter and then to the subcategorie "emitter" -> "emitters" ->"texture" and use a white texture. no need to make and import a new one. i took Texture'EffectTex.Coronas.Corona'. then the rain should be white but the form of it is still wrong. go to "size" -> "startsizerange" and play a bit with values. you could also make more more snowballs by changing "maxparticles" in "general".
hm, as snow should not be everywhere you'd have to make zones where your not in the open air. have not tested it yet but it should work when you set "buseskydome" in the default properties of your zone infos to false.
and when you want to make an emitter visible for clients go to the default properties of it and then to hidden. set remoterole to ROLE_SimulatedProxy.
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Sandcrawler on September 10, 2010, 08:16:39 PM
Thats how I'd do it as well. Unless you can find an XWeather Actor someplace. It would do it better as it effect just one zone, then you can use volumes to stop rain/snow from falling where you don't want it. But I sure couldn't find it in RC.

The other option is to use a Static Mesh, it will give better performance, and could be made to look just as good. They did this in Killing Floor for Rain on a level. (but I can't remember what level atm...arramus might?)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: leeroy on September 11, 2010, 03:54:17 AM
yea make anyone who picks up the aa or a rocket, heavy or any other noob weapon die from a heart attack
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on September 11, 2010, 09:15:30 AM
yeah that effect thing does present a big problem i had not thought about, the map has lots of hills and the bases are all at different elevations, so unless i could limit to one zone that would not be so great
static mesh snowballs though i can see how that would work well and also be very easy, so i may just try that. i was thinking more along the lines of a very light snow anyway, and the sky is not very cloudy to begin with
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Sandcrawler on September 11, 2010, 09:29:09 AM
Well, Xweather would let you use Volumes to stop the effect, so you'd place it a few units above a building, continue down threw the building, and you'd have the snow effect outside, it'd stop at the roof and not be inside the building.

So in the first intro level they just used emitters, the amount of emitters needed for a whole map would be...well alot so I wouldn't use emitters, I'll find the static mesh, and what the actual mesh they used was, it looked good and would be alot better than emitters.
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: leeroy on September 11, 2010, 12:43:58 PM
what about area's were theres alot of snow falling and places that theres none falling (like outside alot but inside practicly none besides at entrince and under atte's)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: frazscotland on September 12, 2010, 12:19:54 PM
what about including also DROIDBLASTER and DC15blasterclone and FLASHBANG as pikups ive done this before and it works. add nu classes in the properties mppikups  and at final properties save name give it a different name. it wil sit alongside properties not affecting them . but if u dont have those mod properties the weps appear invisible on a map. i was meaning to do this a while ago make a generic extra mppikups file for everyone to use including extra weps  8)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: leeroy on September 13, 2010, 02:01:05 PM
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on September 13, 2010, 02:29:16 PM
im working on a training area right now, so far i have a shooting range and obstacle course
the course is fairly easy to navigate, but i also have droid spawns placed in it, and when you turn them on (using my camotrooper mod, that is [Droid blaster is modded]) it becomes quite difficult
any other good training ideas? (keep in mind im looking for something realistic)
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: leeroy on September 15, 2010, 02:16:28 PM
Title: Re: snowbase
Post by: Dark Lord on October 09, 2010, 12:16:25 PM
or here