ROK admin server (ARRAMUS)

Started by Squad_Sammaron, October 02, 2006, 12:57:24 PM

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ok ive been playin the ROK server which most of you probably know about. a message, signed from arramus, occasionally pops in white that says he's tryin to get maps together to distrubute buts to lazy, then explains its not admin or somethin its an admin tool. egi or egl or somethin. so wats this all about? wats ROK? Wats arramus got to do with it? am i the only one who doesnt know this stuf?!
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


um never heard of Arramus being on the ROK server. But the host of the server can send messages too the players on the server.
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


The messages are automated apparently. They appear on the server at regular intervals during a game on a map. They also appear 30-60 seconds after a game starts.


ok but wats ROK? and whats arramus got to do with em?
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


The ROK Admins server is hosted by a friend of me ....

And now its our server called


arramus has nothing to do with it. Sounds like someone wants some more maps to rotate on the server though.