Open Map

Started by fixer945x, December 09, 2007, 10:36:20 AM

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Im new here, but um. How you make open maps? And also im having probs with the skybox, i do what the tut. says but the sky doesn't come out! Back to open maps, as i mean a open sky and you can put in buildings and stuff, how can you do dat?




Terrain (outdoor):


Making building in outdoor maps: Use the add tool instead of subtract to make a box with textures on the outside. Then subtract a door inside the box u just made, then make a smaller box then your original added box and click subtract. Build All. Now you have a house you can walk into.


Worth noting is that if your 'buildings' are static meshes, you will need to convert them to brushes before you try to slice holes in them for player access.
Dagger - "The Professional"

Freelance Rifle Artist

"I bow to no one, and give service only for cause."
-Boba Fett


Thanks, but you mean make like a house? K, ill work on dat and also might need alittle help on the skybox, the tut. doesn't help me :( Only alittle bit, but when i the bdirectional or is it the ZoneInfo what do i do there?


The abridged version of the skybox tutorial:

Make a separate area off to the side of your map. This will be your skybox. Decorate it with a skydome, static meshes (keep in mind they will appear massive in the final product), and anything else you want in there. Now, place the SkyZoneInfo actor within this separate box in the precise position you want the player's vantage point to be from. Tweak the properties of the SkyZoneInfo if you want to use ambient light in the skybox or anything like that (if you don't use ambient light, be sure to find some other way of lighting the skybox!).

Next, in the border brush of your map (the primary brush in which the whole level is constructed), select the walls and ceiling, go into surface properties, and flag them for "fake backdrop".

That's all there is to it. After a re-build, you can preview your results in the editor with the K key (default), and the sky should be visible ingame.
Dagger - "The Professional"

Freelance Rifle Artist

"I bow to no one, and give service only for cause."
-Boba Fett


Just to add to what dagger said, say you wanted to have gunships in the background of a space map, you can take that static mesh, and size it down...itsa in the actor properties...dont remember where, i'll update this when I get a chance to look.
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