Started by frazscotland, May 28, 2012, 04:48:37 PM

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Hey all ive been slowly working on a new weapon expansion pak for rc for some time now.
The weapons can all activate from MAP LEVEL and dont modify original files.
Heres a couple of vid previews of whats been constructed and tested so far,,

Dark Lord

nice i like the DC15, always wanted one of those. lasers and flamethrower are pretty cool too
btw, did you ever try to make something that cloaks the clone trooper? that would be a cool addon if possible
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade


Very good stuff man. I like the giant cannon  ;D  But of course, don't forget to fix the typo with the new bacta. When you get it, you see a message that says "medevil health". It should be, uhhh.....I don't actually know how to spell midaivel(that's definitely wrong lol)

I just do this to show off my brother's photoshop skillz :D


Thanks Guys.   ;D Yes it has been long overdue getting the dc15 for you darklord, Apologies. :'(
Yes in the vid ive made a sbd shield expanded in scale and reskinned with the world vortex  texture ( i forget which 1) but i could make it also for the droideka shield .Maybe call it Cloaking Shield  etc
Ive been trying to get variants of each weapon to keep everyone happy,
For example the dc15blaster, dc15 blaster with lasersight,dc15 with flashlight, dc15 with bayonet
So thats 4 variants of 1 weapon. Its likely ill make a dc15 with scope also.
Ive also made a number of heavy weaps . Ive made more not shown yet also, and have a freeze gun in progress !!
I will make sure also that your PLASMA NADE will be included also Darklord as i personally like it, 8)
Ive still to test and finish off the nades section. But it will include a working mp flashnade , darklords plasma nade, and even medieval type throw weapons such as THROWBLADES, CANONBALL NADES, OIL LANTERN NADES,  even ROCKS !!
All the new weps will ,in melee  give the victim the stun effect stars for 1 second like the after effect flash nade effect . hehe
Im trying to make it "all things for all men"
Many thanks to CCPVI for making a small script file for me that allows this mod even to be made and others also to use. 8)
Any  suggestions please "fire away" !!


I use to mess around with the weapons. I made throwing discs, a medieval style crossbow, smoke grenades, stick grenades, bouncy ball grenades(they would bouce very high and had a long postimpactfusetime and i made them only blow up if they hit a pawn) flamethrower(which i never actually finished but had the flame effect working well), self guided rockets (required some scripting), a gun like the spartan laser from halo and a bunch more that i forget. I also changed some simple gameplay related settings for the MPPawns. The trandos didnt have shields, but they had a bit more health and ran a bit faster. Different starting weapons too(RCs had normal + a flashbang, trandos had acp+conc rifle(severely nerfed)+stick grenades + a smoke grenade). That combo made for some interesting 1v1s(lan).

Another thing, the flashlights on your guns look really ugly. I would remove them. But other than that, it is really good.


That sounds great KRAM . any video links to show your mods or a download link to test ???
Id like to see what youve done ,, ;D


Oh, sorry, but ive since lost almost all of it. I could remake it pretty quickly if you really want. I didnt do any model or animation changes.

I uploaded the self-guided rockets though, right here: http://forums.sandcrawler.net/index.php?topic=1440.0

bottom of page. They work, kinda. There was problems with them, though i only remember that the problem wasnt big enough to see that they work.


Hey fraz, if you go play in the TAG clan servers,(where they do all sorts of cool mods like king of the hill) you may notice that the DC17AA explosions will launch you up in the air. I think it would be awesome to have a Pulse Grenade that does that! Do you think you could do it?

I just do this to show off my brother's photoshop skillz :D


Very nice. What is the giant blobby thing?

You should try making a land mine. Make it so you cant throw it far (like right in front of you), then set bProximityDetonate, bActorDetonate and bStickToWorld to true and a very low proximity, with a realllllllllly long fuse time.


Thats a satchelcharge for taking out Big targets.
Ye gud idea Tycon ill use landmine also  hehe and make it big xplosion also  8)


Well ive been slowly slugging away at this mod testing stuff then deleting it cos it didnt work etc or remaking things altering meshes etc..
Ive made mod nades for this mod which would only work in the mod gamemodes so as a workaround to this i made Grenade launchers for the 3 exisitng default nades and also for the new mod nades so they can be utilised in normal gamemmodes even. Only 2 types will be restricted to mod game modes the democharge hi explosive and the landmines,

Dark Lord

very nice. very nooby, but nice lol
the smoke grenade should have some nice applications. also, i believe there are a few effects that distort what is seen (or maybe they are just textures). did you ever try some kind of distortion grenade? would be great for a quick assassin style getaway or just a more advanced smoke grenade
also, feel free to use the plasma grenades in a launcher :)
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade


Thanks darklord for encouragement i will do so .  ;D
Well im trying to appeal to the full gamut of players from those just starting to the more experienced but ultimately the weps choices in maps will be to the mappers..
Gonna try finish this for xmas time.  :)


Well updated links for vids in top post .
Many thanks to darklord for his most excellent invention of plasma nade launcher  which appears in vid 4. !!
and many thanks also to Xtaze for feedback on bug fixes  and ccp vi for his awesome script workaround to make this possible and his flamethrower also,.
Its getting there to completion slowly  ;D

Dark Lord

nice to see everything coming along. and the launcher was technically your invention, i just supplied the ammunition  ;)

btw, if you ever need more ideas, or just feel a need for the overkill, 40k can supply your needs: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Category:Weapons_by_Type#.UaQhA5ycOSo
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade