Started by frazscotland, November 14, 2009, 04:44:54 PM

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Heres sum various pics of mp lan skinsets ive made ...
u kan dload thes as installers from mi filefront each installer extracts a installer and reset to desktop


i am going thrue old posts on this site to catch up to snuff. found this one with all your filefront files. Youv been busy fraz :shock:   i want to dowload all
of them , :D

Prepare For Hard Contact


thanks man . that was my first atempt at skinning that lot . im a bit better nows but there so many ppl way better at it than me . i dont know why more ppl havent made up some custom skinsets for mp. cos they could trump mine easy  8)


It would be a big leap but sombodyb should make a storm trooper skin or even a reskined clone adult to look like a reble ( like the ones on endor and yavin)

Prepare For Hard Contact


What software do you use to skin and a bigger question, HOW DO YOU SKIN? I need a tutorial or something that helps you learn how to skin
Creator of the RC New Commando Mod

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well no trouble ill explain. When you want to do skins for commandos or clonetroopers or cloneAdult in Texture Browser you find CloneTextures and Find CloneCommandoWhite texture or ClonetrooperWhite Texture and right clik Export save to Desktop or wherever  REMEMBER to end the name   .bmp    .You must always end the name as .bmp of whatever Skin texture you want to use. Personally i just used paint but the real skinners use GIMP or something. So then you can get painting away .
When time comes and you have made either your 4 skins for campaign or 5 skins for MP Next step is to construct a custom Texture pakage !
Reason being for this is the existing Clonetextures pak is 30 od mb and if you are going to make a mod then if you have any decency you wil have to include a texture reset making the overall pak size massive. 60mb +.
If you make a custom Texture pak it will end up circa 7mb and your Reset will only have to be a tiny properties file.!! (180Kb)
Ok Next open texture Browser goto CloneTextures Texture CloneCommandoWhite 
Right clik DUPLICATE  PACKAGE CloneCommandoTextures    GROUP CloneTextures   NAME CloneCommandoA then ok
then goto the accompanying Shader CloneCommandoWhite  Shader
Right clik DUPLICATE  PACKAGE CloneCommandoTextures    GROUP CloneTextures   NAME CloneCommandoA_Shader then OK
then exit unreal and update texture pak REMEMBER to end it .utx


Next goto yout CloneCommandoTexture pak or whatever youve named it and right clik DUPLICATE on the Texture remembering to change the name ie CloneCommandoA,B,C,D,E  so you have 4 or 5 skins However many u desire. Do same also for the accompanying SHADER there should be a shader for each texture. then when you have done that Exit and update pak .
Start up unreal again back to your custom Texture pak what you must do now is change the paths in your SHADERS. so for each shader starting with A right clik PROPERTIES you will see you need to change the paths for DIFFUSE AND the 2 SELFILLUMINATION   Texture'CloneTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommandoWhite'
change to Texture'CloneCommandoTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommandoA'
you must repeat the process for EACH SHADER the same 3 paths A,B,C,D,E
when you have done that EXIT and update your texture pakage.
Next step you're ready to import your custom textures so go bak to your custom texture pak
Top left FILE IMPORT and import the texture 1 ata time remeber to give them name A-E  make sure u make it MIPS 11 and compression DXT5 do that for all your textures and if youve correctly changed your paths in each shader youll see the shader change to the accompanying replacement texture.When youve completed that process EXIT and update your Custom texture pak.


Ok next you want to goto your SWRC folder Properties folder and look for Properties.u  copy this file and paste in a safe location as a backup file so you can change back.!
Boot up Unreal goto the VIEW SHOW ACTORCLASSBROWSER PAWN CTPAWN  there you will see REPUBLIC   and above it MPPAWN  if your mod is for Campaign goto REPUBLIC ifit is for MP goto MPPAWN
Clik on MPPAWN select MPCLONE right clik DEFAULT PROPERTIES goto MPPAWN MPSKINS and you have 0-4 inclusive listed Shader'CloneTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommando40_Shader'
start from top down and put Shader'CloneCommandoTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommandoA_Shader'    then B,C,D,E
there you have your 5 texture skins for MP.
After that you exit and update properties .
so then you make a folder for your mod files and goto SWRC Properties folder copy the moded Properties.u file and paste itin your Mod folder then goto your textures folder and copy your Custom texture file and paste itin your Mod folder. there you have your 2 raw files needed.
If your mod is for Campaign goto REPUBLIC CLONECOMMANDO There listed from top down is 07 ,40,62 and PLAYERCOMMANDO for each commando you need to right clik DEFAULTPROPERTIES and goto DISPLAY  SKINS  Shader'CloneTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommando07_Shader' Change to Shader'CloneCommandoTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommandoA_Shader' or whatever order of skins you want to use .


Creator of the RC New Commando Mod

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i dunno sumtimes i am crap teacher i hope that helps you. maybe sandcrawler could use that and clean itup to make a texture tut ?  ???


Creator of the RC New Commando Mod

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