My name is Andy
And i cant mod for my life
and want to have a cheat based easy modding/spawning on mp maps even if it makes it so no one else can get on you can fix it so people can join. also make it easy so people just download it and it goes to the right system and or folder for example the kamino map download it downloads right to maps also set it up to be used with the ~ cheat method
Two thing ive seen that people want is
1. is to spawn clones or trandosians & droids
using Shift ~ in mp and if you can in sp (for when theres to many droids) ill explain below
2. how to make Clonetrooperamor/Helmetless comando cheat based
and you download it you turn it on and off in game using Shift ~ well ill exlplain it later
1. have alot more clones on your side and trandosians on there side (for kamino
some one wanted to make a awsome video called the fall or battle of kamino), to make it easy for people like me could you make spawning them into a cheat. like shift ~ and type in fierfek gives you full ammo.
after actuly creating the download set it up with
spawning clones and trandosians & droids and dead bodys. for spawning clone/trandoshian & droids
~ spawnclone
~ spawnclonedead ~ spawntrandosain ~ spawndroid and you can do with how many people you want like lets say i want one type ~ spawnclone for ten
~ spawnclone10
to make your amor a clones amor and to deactivate it you press like ~ cloneoff and on
~ cloneon and stays on intill of or intill you quit game so you can see wat it looks like in Costimize.
and if you could do this one to which is to make you helmit off or on(yes there is a download but people have a hard time with puting it back on or even downloading it)
for on ~ clonehelmon which mean helm is on and for off
~ clonehelmoff which mean the helm is off. and same with the clone amor it stays off intill you type ~ clonehelmon or if you quit the game. reasonj why intill you quit rep comanndos so you can go to costomize and see wat you look like and add items
so if you think you can do it do it, it's started do this for me and alot of other people to. pm me where i go to to download
thank you i now alot of people would aprechate it.
? you, go on start working, do just look at this pag Go get out of here you got work to do.
Interesting, I hope someone helps you out on this.
That's a lot to ask for...
I'm relatively new to the modding scene, but I'd say thats nearly impossible.
thats awsome hopefully it will go through