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Messages - icepwn

Completed Maps / JungleArena2013
September 18, 2013, 06:15:36 AM
This is a remake of a map i made for tx many years ago called tx-junglearena.


Quote from: Dark Lord on October 08, 2012, 06:07:42 PM
well dang man, here my maps could have looked amazing all this time and it was so simple lol... i had seen that before, just didnt think it would actually work (i put the actual mirror special brush in once but nothing happened)
the textur ehas to be somewhat transparant or it wont work.
also ticking
  • invisible works
surface properties -> mirror

more screens:

another wip:

lil video:
Maps in Progress / Re: Re: [RC] a map im working on
October 05, 2012, 08:22:52 PM
Quote from: Dark Lord on October 04, 2012, 10:51:37 PM
looks good. you have a good eye for detail that i have always lacked. my designs are too simple, never know what to do with them, but this is very complex. what is that out the window btw? (3rd screen)
thanks for the comment, the 3rd screenshot is of the interiour of the map, i think you mean this one (?)

in which case its just decoration (more detail, map takes place in an asteroid base ) like you say, instead of just a plane wall why not add something more atmospheric (is that even a word?), like 3d skyboxes in counter strike

here are other screens outside of the window (will be a landing pad there and its pretty much a hangar)

lol i just saw this now:

i thought there wasnt a theme like this before  :D
Maps in Progress / Re: [RC] a map im working on
October 03, 2012, 03:06:10 PM
more screens:

You're amazing man! I love your maps.
Maps in Progress / [RC] a map im working on
September 29, 2012, 11:43:59 AM

short video:

map is still very WIP
Completed Maps / 1hit_shotgun
February 17, 2010, 07:24:39 AM
copyed of gg forum.


pretty much like 1hit_sniper but this works for deathmatch also, if you shoot someone he gets healed, so if your shot doesnt kill him he will get full hp again.
(does not apply for sheild though) shotguns laying out everywhere in the map, so yeah have fun shooting someone to death.

download coming soon.
Instead of rewriting about this map again i just copyed what i wrote on the galactic guardians forums.

So pretty much like an css headshot map.

Here you have snipers laying around and you must get an headshot to get a kill (or throw 1 of the 2 grenades you have)
Because every second players are healed to full hp, so you need to get an headshot. I know its hard to get headshots on a crouching target
but i made it so if theyre crouching it doesnt heal them while they are crouching. But they can let go of c for a second and crouch again to get full hp, a glitch, i know.
Also there is no way to get to the other side, so this is meant for team deathmatch.
Anyways here are some screenshots:

Download coming soon.
Completed Maps / Re: BloodStairway
February 17, 2010, 07:18:29 AM
looks neat
Theres another mod server than TX? :O?!
Completed Maps / GG_ArenaB17 (Download)
October 12, 2009, 02:24:58 PM
by SRSCAT!!!!!
So this is my new map, pretty much like ArenaA17 which was where i was going at. Just with an extra middle, so you can actually use the sniper for sniping :)
I remade every single part of this map except the lighting in the bases. I also made a new custom red glass material, which is used in the red base. It also works for CTF.
Thanks to all GG for their support :).


Bacta (3 per side of the map, 2 per base, 2 in the middle)
4x Snipers (2 per base)
4x Shotguns (2 per base)
6x Grenades (3 per base)
4x Bowcasters (1 per base, 2 in the middle)
2x TrandoBlasters (1 in middle, 1 in trando base)
2x Blasters (1 in middle, 1 in rep base)
2x Pistols (1 per base)
2x GalacticGuardians logo (1 per base)[/list]


Download links:
Solidfiles: (.ctm/no .rar)
Piratefight (by sexy pure): (.rar)
You must open it on your very own multiplayer server. If you join an existing one, that's not made by you. You will just open that map as if you are playing campaign.