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Messages - M3rl1n

Yeah there were other considerations.

I figured at one point I might want to have voice actors to really tell the story of what’s happening and since it’s highly unlikely I could get the guys from RC (and wasn’t sure I wanted to touch what happened to Sev) I would need a new team with their own style. I had created the camo just for fun so I figured I’d slap it on them since it fit the theme.

I didn’t want to get hung up on that though since getting any kind of voice acting was not immediately possible and changing the squad would require other changes to the game. So I figured if I were to use Delta and pick up after RC then I would need to find someone to replace Sev, at least for the interim.

Which is where the other team comes in.

Originally I had the idea for just one commando using one of the scout style body armor setups (dog soldier from ep 3 for example or maybe even a custom arc trooper) who would assist them but right now since that would have required a new model, fully rigged to use the animations in the game, etc, it’s something that might come later.

So barring that I thought the idea of another team, a special ops scout group, would add to the dynamic of the game. Right now I don’t have much of a backstory on them other then that they were scouting the planet for the invasion when they came across this factory and were shot down.

It’s not Omega :P at least that’s not the intention at this point. I guess I could go that direction but I don’t know where they were or what they were up to at that point in time according to the books. Of course there's only three of them but that could be easily changed.

Anyway, long explanations aside, what I’ll probably do is if I stick with Delta I’ll give people the choice of what skins they want to use. Of course if you know your way around the editor you can change them fairly easy. Just open up each map and assign each commando their original skin.
Thanks, guys, the feedback is really appreciated : )
Thanks, 1266 : )

I also have a few ingame videos available. I should emphasize that these are not trailers and are straight playthroughs so if you’re worried about spoiling any possible gameplay surprises I would advise against watching them.

The complete playthrough is available Here (229MB - 29:13)

It’s fairly large but the rest, one for each map, can also be found on my website.
Been working on this for a couple months, thought I should finally clean it up and try to get a release out : ) It's an SP project with about 30 minutes plus (depending on difficulty/skill level) of gameplay across three maps that takes place after the end of RC.

Not really dealing with Sev at this point or what might have happened to him. That might come in a later, more finalized release but right now it's more just about having some extra content to play through.

All comments welcome.

Download (12.4MB)


Maps in Progress /
May 29, 2007, 10:58:54 AM
Thanks DooFi :) and yeah 20 minutes is definiately not an easy task, the only saving grace in an RPG is that there is generally a lot of dialogue and combat tends to take longer because of the dice rolls. If it was a FPS I'd be stressing by now :P
Maps in Progress /
May 28, 2007, 11:16:31 AM
Just a heads up for those waiting on this: I am still working on it, unfortunately work's been getting in the way and I've just recently found out that Bioware is hosting a Level Design contest using the NWN toolset (// so that's going to be front and center for awhile until I can get my entry together.

edit by DooFi: clickable link^^
Maps in Progress /
May 14, 2007, 04:31:34 PM
At this point this is pretty much it. I’ve worked on a lot but haven’t released much.
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat /
May 14, 2007, 04:23:59 PM
Being new to the editor do you know about path nodes and if you do are they showing a path to the squad marker nav point? If you haven't placed them they can be added via the actor class browser and are found under the "NavigationPoint" heading. Once placed go to the "Buld" menu and "Rebuild AI Paths" to update the path.

Right click on the grey bar to show paths:

There should be an arrow from the nearest node pointing to the nav marker (and one pointing from the nav marker to the nearest node or the squad member won’t be able to leave the marker):
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat /
May 14, 2007, 08:00:06 AM



Seriously it sounds like you haven’t setup the nav point correctly. I cover it in the squad marker tutorial I have up but if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Maps in Progress /
May 14, 2007, 07:55:33 AM
I have four missions I’d like to create for starters (including this one) whether or not they’ll require more then one map I’ll have to see. Right now this mission should be no more then two maps - my intention was to keep these short so I want to wrap it up and move on.

That’s just for starters though. Honestly since RC is basically the only game that gives us access to the Star Wars license on such a great and extremely flexible platform (UE2) there’s a LOT that I want to do.

I was designing up a full campaign when I first started with RC a year and a half ago and it’s still something I want to get back to.
Projects /
May 11, 2007, 10:23:06 AM
Great work, I don't play much MP but this gave me a chance to get in and check out what everyone else has been doing!
Maps in Progress /
May 11, 2007, 10:14:45 AM
Quote from: "arramus"Hey M3rl1n,

I ran through the map a few times and it's great fun to play. You have a great knowledge of scripting and it all works to good effect. The sequence and rules you require players to follow before advancing all add to the experience.

Things I particularly like are the fog. This is particularly so in the blocked passage towards the end. It's really deep and evil.

I also like it when the 3 guys drop through the ceiling grates at the slice point. I was standing just underneath them at the time and that was fun.

I also like the shape of the corridor brushes. It makes the overall look interesting and creates a sense of confinement that makes it all the more intense.

The only issues I got were:

Sometimes the slavers get blocked on the curved brush and just run on the spot. I don't know if this is a room for maneuver issue. On some runs it's fine but others they get all tread milly.

When looking back down the final passage to the intense red fog area the brush disappears and you can see outside. There are a couple of brushes down there overlapping. I don't know if that's the cause, zoning is the cause or it's just one of those Unreal Engine things.

When looking out of the window at the end the fog likes to make the SMs glow. Again this is something that may be unavoidable.

All in all it's great stuff and the way you've packed it shows me it's possible to make mod folders which will bypass the need for installing/reinstalling new properties files. I've learned some good stuff from this build.
Thanks for the feedback, arramus; glad you enjoyed and it were able to take something from it :)

I appreciate the time taken, and I’ll definitely try to address the thing you’ve been brought up - the slaver rush problem has been dogging me since I started so I’m not sure how I’m going to figure that out though :?

Quote from: "Shockjaw"just to let you know just before you have to defeat the trando leader guy my Squad goes back to an area at the end of the hall and I had to use form up so my guys wouls stay with me and uh the second map (Map B) will not launch

Do you recall if the sniper squad marker was cancelled?

I experienced similar when I progressed too far down the hall that leads to the bridge door before my squad was ready to continue (after all enemies are dead the snipe move is auto cancelled and the script tells Delta to move to the next Search and Destroy path node).

If that is the case it can be solved by going back to where your squad is at; once you’re close enough they’ll continue the Search and Destroy progression (I’ll have to experiment more with the Search and Destroy scripting to figure out how to solve this - or I’ll just remove one of the intervening nodes, should of thought of that before actually :P).

If the sniper squad marker has not been cancelled automatically then the script progression is broken which is not as easily addressed :?

Anyway thanks for the feedback :) I really appreciate you guys taking the time to help me make these maps as good as possible.

As for Part B: I started working on it today and am making good progress; Part A really got me back into the flow of UnrealEd so I should be able to start producing more smoothly now that I know what to expect.

A couple screens:

Maps in Progress /
May 10, 2007, 03:53:37 PM
Eh, was just playing through it again and found somewhat of a show stopping bug. You may or may not run into it, but if you do it wrecks the Search and Destroy progression so you can only use “Form Up” from that point on.

That’ll teach me not to make last minute changes, anyway the fixed release is now up :?
Maps in Progress /
May 10, 2007, 03:07:37 PM
Not a bad idea. The concept art for RC is amazing though; hard to come anywhere close to it. I just wish they’d release more of it.

Anyway, I finally have a release ready! :) ... Alpha1.exe

This installs the map/mod to its own directory within the “GameData” folder as well as creating a shortcut on the desktop. An uninstaller can be found in the start menu, as well as in add/remove programs.

This was created and tested on a fresh install in Windows 2000 and seem to work fine. If you have any problems please let me know.

The map is still beta, I’m going to clean it up and possibly rework some of it based on comments when I release the second map, but it’s pretty much as it should be and seems to run smoothly. The mod itself is very much Alpha.

The “PRO” map which is now just about as basic as you can get (accessed via “New Game”) will eventually be a full hanger where you can select missions; sort of like the campaign map, just in the game.

All comments are welcome!
Maps in Progress /
May 06, 2007, 12:15:20 AM
Thanks guys :) I really appreciate the enthusiasm and compliments. I’m having a fun time working on this so hopefully it will be the first of much more to come.

And yes the dreaded “as soon as its done” :P

As sort of a break from UnrealEd I’ve been working to set this up as its own mod so it will be easy to access/install (its own shortcut and directory) so I’ve been spending a bit of time working on a title screen and some of the menu graphics (It’s mostly just composition since the art is concept art from Republic Commando and therefore not mine, but I like how it’s turning out :)).

As it stands in PS:

As it looks in the game (slight distortion going from 1024x1024 import into UnrealEd to 1024x768 resolution):

/edit - changed images to links