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Messages - Tracyn

Projects /
May 15, 2008, 05:01:16 PM
Well Adenn, it seems we may possibly have some voice actors.
Bravo.   8)
Projects /
May 15, 2008, 11:28:10 AM
I am excited to see where this project shall go. Adenn, you will be an RC hero if you can complete this great undertaking. Once I have learned, I will be glad to possibly skin for you (That is if I am any good) And maybe we can convince Laam'inui to do some work as well as we all know how talented he is in that area.

I wonder though, where does Dash stand in all of this, have you told him about it?
Either way, I'm sure everyone shall recognize your noble undertaking and will be glad to assist you.

Edit: Dash's name should be 'Iviin'yc', Just to keep the pattern of naming  :D