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Messages - SCUBAinARUBA7

Properties Editing / Re:
July 13, 2008, 11:09:58 AM
Quote from: "1upD"I've been having lots of fun with the pawns in RC...

Anyways, I've made an entire map full of rogue clone troopers, (Meant for SP) It works really well. I've even got different ranks, with accesories(ARCS FTW!!!!!!!!!) and different weapons...Dangit, where'd I put those screenies!?

hey thats kool! it could be like after order 66 wen all the clones turn and only u remain lol
Properties Editing / Re: New Enemies?
July 13, 2008, 11:07:24 AM
u could always just reskin the trandos or any other pre-set enemies  :)
Properties Editing / Re: Turrets in multiplayer
July 10, 2008, 01:36:37 PM
in image 3 and 5 i noticed you have the multiple blasters on the ground, i was wondering, how do u do that hack?
Properties Editing / Re: Grenades
July 10, 2008, 01:32:50 PM
i have been trying to do the same, i planned on making the thermal stick to walls and explode lightning instead of fire, ill let u know if i find out the way, how did u do that other stuff? id like to try it  :D TYVM
as far as i know the only way you could do that is to make your own map, and then all the players could...otherwise (assuming you found a way) the server will not let you stinks huh  :cry:
Texturing / Re: HOW DO I GET UnrealEd?!?!?!
July 10, 2008, 12:54:22 PM
TVVVM i downloaded the first patch found it.  :D
Texturing / Re: Skinning Tutorials?
July 09, 2008, 05:32:56 PM
i dont meen to sound stupid but you said
Quoteand export the original texture of the model you'd like to reskin. Edit it however you'd like.
and i dont know were to export it too......on the where to save page under the bar were u name it it sais "save as type" but has no options......any help  :roll:                 TYVM
Texturing / HOW DO I GET UnrealEd?!?!?!
July 09, 2008, 09:16:50 AM
I think its called Ued...UnrealEditor, I already have 3ds and on ued's website it sais it will work with 3ds but i dont no were to download Ued. lol that was a little confusing but tyvm to anyone who can tell me or tries  :D