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Messages - cr4zygunn3r

Star Wars Republic Commando Chat / more room!!!!!
April 29, 2009, 10:18:35 PM
Need a lot more room on the Sandcrawler server!
Tried to get on today but it was full, checked seven hours later and still full, but the same ppl were still on and the score read 0 kills and 0 deaths for everyone. Plus 3 of them were just named player.....
Here's a tip to anyone who can't get the map to run:

Remember that in addition to pasting the map information to the levelloadinginfo page, you ALSO need to save a copy of the OMT_01A CTM file (the actual map content) to your Maps folder in Republic Commando. The game looks in this folder for all of its maps, so once the OMT_01A map file is safely in the Maps folder, you can run the level. Start a new singleplayer game, hit ~, and type "open omt_01a" - your level should open fine.

Hope this helps.  :D