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Messages - {SC}Iceman{Ldr}

Modeling / Help please
April 06, 2009, 02:39:40 PM
I need some help with finding some good props

and how to make ths props stable.

for example i have a droid rack, but when i throw a grenade behind it, it will fly all over the place and i want to know how to fix that.

can someone please help?

-xfire -  iceman721
ill work on that

im just so new and ive figured most of this out through the tutorials but im tryin to learn on my own

how can i make a private server that uses my map and actually lets other people join the game?
ok well i got that

but now i when i put down a pickup weapon or a prop it shows up when i play, but now when im building my map

anyone help?

xfire - iceman721
the cube i highlight wont stay red when i go to press ctrl and put the vertisies in.

and i made my own server and did open (mymap) but it still stayed in campaign mode.

o yea and how to get your map off of campain and get ur player in a multi-player mode?

if that makes sense.  :geek:  :?:
I need some help with ramps, the vertex wont work with me.

can anyone help?

i love this idea of mods and i want to help my clan with mod stuff.

anyone have xfire that can help me if u have questions?