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Messages - R3b0rnSh4d0w

Completed Maps / Re: GunshopXS
April 20, 2009, 11:17:19 AM
Hey Scout, finally u registered here :D!

I told you my opinion to this map and if i were you i would try to reedit the textures and add some dynamic lights.(the white textures are kinda annoying to me)

And now that you understand my little text i translate it into german, for you^^.

Ich sagte dir ja bereits meine Meinung zu dieser Karte und wenn ich du wäre würde ich versuchen die Texturen zu editieren und würde einige "Dynamic Lights" hinzufügen.(die weißen Texturen nerven mich ein wenig)

And Sandcrawler, may you put this thread into the "Completed Maps" Section.


I stoped the "Prison/Jail" Map Project for some weeks now. I need to some stuff for school, annoying stuff. I'll start working as soon as I can.
Maps in Progress / Project: Prison/Jail
April 08, 2009, 03:53:06 AM
Hello, I think not many of you know me but I don't really care xD.

ATM I'm working on a map called "Prison".

The Map is  an Imperial Prison on Kossal.

I'll add an underground tunnel system, Prisons, a big area in the middle of the map for snipers, a command center and some blackmarkets(not sure atm).

If you enter a prison somebody else can follow you and close the prisons gate(via mover and trigger >:D). You can escape some prisons cuz there are little tunnels wich you can use to get into the underground tunnel system.

But I don't want to tell you the whole map.

Just be patient.

N/A -> I'll add some sooner or later.

N/A -> Map not finished yet.

Hello everybody!

Some days ago I thought about a Mapper/Modeller Clan in SWRC and/or other games.

I just wanted to ask you if you like it or not.

Please give me some reply's^^.

(And sorry if my English isn't that well, I'm form Germany.)