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Messages - T. Koza

Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat /
December 29, 2006, 05:33:45 PM
Ok, after a couple months and tons of distractions :evil: I still can't get it to export out into 3DS Max. I've even tried converting the rag doll (which I added from the animation browser) to a static mesh with the package as HUDMeshes, group as weapons, and the name to dc17mblasting. A progress window showed up saying what I put for package, group, name, and said "indexing vertices"

Also, which Softimage XSI do I download, the game mod one? (most likely, but I thought I'd ask anyways to be sure) I already downloaded that one, but when I tried to download the UnRealED addon, a new window opened up and said "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".

Now mind you the class I've been taking hasn't gotten into UnReal yet, but I've been fidgiting whenever I can, which hasn't been all that much. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

edit: is it possible to get the skeleton into softimage and convert that into a mesh, or just do that in UnRealED?
Unreal Engine 2 General Modding Chat / .obj exporter
October 24, 2006, 11:16:06 AM
Hey all, I'm new here. I'm taking a class in 3D game art and design, and I have a big question.

Is there an .obj exporter in the RC Unreal editer? If not, will I have to get the Unreal editer straight from Unreal to get an objet out of RC?

I'm trying to get the FPS version of the DC-17m blaster out and into 3DS max, but max says the .stl file isn't valid. I was able to export the 3rd person version into max as an .stl file. I got it into the scene by adding it as a rag doll from the animation browser, instead of the static meshes browser, because I couldn't find the FPS model in any static model files. In fact, some of those files were empty. Could this be my problem?
Would it help to reinstall everything?

Any and all help would be great, thanks!