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Messages - pizzaboy314

yeah i'm too busy to do something like that but take it slow
um yeah. what other helm's deeps can you think of?
Completed Maps / Re: YEEEE a halo 3 map! finally!
April 16, 2011, 09:22:44 AM
doesn't he have an email? someone should contact him.
Completed Maps / Re: Assaultship Zone
April 16, 2011, 09:19:40 AM
you put the ctm file in your maps folder. then, in-game console type open and then the filename (dm_assaultship_zone) without the extension. you can also add an entry to the file in the system directory
Completed Maps / Re: Sub Base
April 16, 2011, 09:15:23 AM
so is it finished yet? i haven't played RC for a while but the map looks awesome.
do it.
Star Wars Republic Commando Chat / Re: AntiPortals
October 03, 2010, 12:57:33 PM
so they're not entirely important?

i'm using the entire hangar map as part of my final map and once i added it and built, i got error messages about all the antiportals.

any help with this too?
Star Wars Republic Commando Chat / sound in zones
October 03, 2010, 12:57:09 PM
does anyone know specifically how to confine sound to just one zone? i have droids in one part of the map and its annoying because 1. the sound of them shooting gets real loud and 2. the sound of them shooting can be heard throughout the map...
Star Wars Republic Commando Chat / AntiPortals
October 02, 2010, 05:56:23 PM
can anyone tell me what antiportals are and what they are used for? thx
nevermind i found the autosaves in GameData/Save
Forum and Website Technical Section / help! save glitch
September 20, 2010, 06:26:29 PM
so i was an idiot and forgot to make constant backups of my save progress on the map i'm working on, and there was some glitch when saving that cause some sort of corruption in the .ctm file. so both the editor and game crash instantly when trying to load it...

any suggestion for recovering what i lost? is there an autosave for the editor? don't wanna start over.
do you know where that you downloaded is?
do you know where that you downloaded is?
do you even know what a zip archive is? lol