Star Wars Republic Commando 2 order 66 new game info on Xbox

Started by Darktrooper, August 28, 2009, 11:25:44 PM

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LMAO! I seen a youtube video of this. The host swears that his friend that works at Lucasarts said they were doing this. Um, no. Sorry to say that SWRC2 is not, will not, never was gonna see the light of day. Lucasarts has no intention or has not stated anything in regards to a sequel (and I check the site pretty regularly), because they are hell bent on the SWTOR mmo that is being developed at bioware. So sorry to crush your heart with a force choke but it isn't happening unless some modders get together and make it themselves. :roll:
And for your enjoyment, here is a link to the "exclusive" video for RC2  :lol: