Started by bssgunnershooty, April 05, 2010, 02:47:21 AM

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Im going to show you how to make a Coop map for SWRC!

Step 1: Ok first u want to open the first level of SWRC- geo_01a.ctm...yeh that one :)

Step 2: Find a clone AI in the map and right click on him and select Edit>Copy

Step 3: Open the map you want and right click some were in the map and select Edit>Paste>Here and the clone will randomly apear some might not even apear in the map.

Step 4: Go to actors>Groups and check the box that says battlefeild :)

Step 5: Now u can add any AI in your map

Step 6 Build All and Save

Step 7: Send the map to a friend can have fun killing all the AI  :D  :lol:


Thank you. That's a useful workaround for a game mode that has been elusive up until now. I wonder what particular quality this workaround extends? I'll have to do some digging and search for magic tab.

I'll get a Coop server up in due course and update some maps for Coop play.


I tried on a dedicated server but it still causes the client to crash.

Even so, let's test the regular version of the maps on a client host and see how that responds. I was able to join skip's client side server so let's test the AI apprentice missions that way first without adding the edits above and then try with the edits and check the results.


i never tried a dedicated server just a regular one and me and my bro were fightin some AI so it is just the dedicated sever that dose not work. ;)...and the server should not crash if u r the only one in the server it only crashes if a second player joins and kills a AI? :o


If you're hosting and playing in your server you'll be fine as it's all local. People joining may crash depending on what's going on in the map. I tested AI_Infiltrated on a dedicated server and by joining a client host and it crashes quickly. I think there's simply too much going on in the initial battle area. For AI_Domination, things are better for a couple of rooms but then the crash appears in time.


When you play on your own server it is still starting a dedicated server, its just leaving a loop so that you can join your own server.
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The Ai on maps in mp does not work beacuse the first trigger that works in campaign does not go off making all the other triggers not work so most likely you have to make a map and program your own ai that works in mp


maybe u have to create a nu properties set for ai in mp and slow down their speeds :?