SWRC 2 Petitions! Plzz sign!

Started by Jet, July 28, 2010, 03:48:03 AM

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If you want a SWRC 2 sign at these sites! If you dont want a SWRC 2 sign it anyway becuse other people want it! xD Tell everybody about it, your clan, your friends, forums...
Here is the links:
Sign both of them! You dont need to donate anything but if you do you help the site to show it up and more will sign it. We cant reach LucasArts on our own.
Here is the guy who told me about this:
I was Ralex. I have finaly got to know how to change name! The thing was that I didn't know how to change it. :S
Proud member of Psycho.


Every few months or so this guy puts something on Youtube about RC2. Last one was a video stating RC2 would be out Jully 2010, er right now. The one before that was him stating that LA was making it, he received the tip from a friend that works at LA  :o Now understand, I would love to see this done. However, the chances of LA making a sequel to RC is about as good as Lucas making three more movies. Signing a petition is great, it's worked well for the bug fix petition that was made when steam began releasing RC on it. Simple fact of the matter is, they don't give a **** what the players/fans want. If this is crushing your dreams I am sorry, but thats the reality of it. I really wish this 14 yo would stop causing a ruckuss every six or so months. And fyi it is the same guy I posted about in this topic http://sandcrawler.net/forums/index.php?topic=1067.msg5367#msg5367  He's deleted the video I believe but it is the same kid. :(


http://new.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?rc2pet has more signatures than both of the petitions posted above (still just 786).

I guess if there ever was be a second RepCom it wouldve been fan-made.


Thanks Theta, I am signing that one too. The kid is "Sev 38" who makes alot GoW2 gameplay and tactic videos and a little MW2. I am a subscriber and have seen all he's failed RC2 videos. The latest one was a small video there he shows a page with a messege about RC2 and before that a video there he said he was very sorry about that it should have came out and it didn't.
Dont worry, you have not crushed my dreams. I only want to do something. If everyone think like: "They will never make a RC2, they dont care about fans." and other stuff, there is not weird that the petitions dont get any signs. If everyone signed it we will pherhaps have a chance. I dont have any expections that it will work. I will continue modding and figuring out campaigns that I can make in the future.
How is your new game going DarkTrooper? I would realy like to get the demo! When I have figured out how to get textures to my 3d models I could pherhaps give you some. (If they are good enugh ofcourse)
I was Ralex. I have finaly got to know how to change name! The thing was that I didn't know how to change it. :S
Proud member of Psycho.


Theta has the right idea for RC2. If you found enough people that were willing to make a RC2 mod then you would have your sequel. Although it couldn't be sold, there could in fact be a small chance that LA would decide to publish it and give credit to the development team for making it. Of course, you could just make the mod and release it on Steam as a free download. Updates for Cyguard will be posted on the AAG website monday.


Quote from: Darktrooper on July 29, 2010, 04:02:10 PM
Of course, you could just make the mod and release it on Steam as a free download.

Nah, steam won't distribute them (from what I've gathered) , because it's a copyright francise. But Lucasarts has never stoped a SW mod for any game (that I'm aware of) But I haven't kept up with the rules for Mod, or any rules TBH..something to look into before you start.

The Republic Commando books are better anyways :P
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)