Can someone give me UnrealED?

Started by flame, April 30, 2007, 12:29:10 PM

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I recently got a new laptop b/c my old one burnt out and I lost everything on it, so Im redownloading everything on it. but when I when to go dl the update for RC, UnrealEd wasnt included, I've looked around and did the search but its not there. I tried to uninstall to try it again but for some reason it wont let me. if someone could copy the program and send it to me, I would really apprehiate it


Unreal Editor is already included in the original SWRC CD and will be installed with or without the patch. The download patch contains Hangar map and the Unreal Editor executable.


or someone who has xfire can send it


arrumus you know the xfire account window, I want to learn how to save my choise


well I did a search my computer and it doesnt show up, I'll try again, hmm i wonder if its b/c I have vista now


never mind, I found it, thanks for the help, Im really disliking vista right now b/c I had to tell it exactly where to look where as before it looked everywhere