Sandcrawler Mod In Progress - Backup Edit Info

Started by arramus, March 15, 2007, 07:04:17 AM

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I'd like to make an RC mod that includes:

Database Changes
AI Accuracy
Player Models and associated Anim links
Multiple Weapon Tweaks

Texture Changes
Player Reskins
Weapon Reskins

Recent MP Community Maps
SP Maps

and any other ideas that modders suggest.


This is a backup area to see exactly what modifications have been made.

Database Properties Edits For Player Models

Adding these characters requires basic properties edits, a new custom texture for the Dark Trooper and a new Animations Package with the Dark Trooper Texture linked to the Mesh.

Player Model Edits in Properties
Pawn > *CTPawn > MPPawn > *MPClone and *MPTrandoshan

*MPClone (Rep Team)
DisplayAdvanced > SkeletalMesh'Clone.CloneCommando' becomes SkeletalMesh'Clone.CloneNoHelmet'

(Not essential but keeping uniform with above)
MPPawn > MPMeshSets >
  • - SkeletalMesh'Clone.CloneCommander' becomes SkeletalMesh'Clone.CloneNoHelmet'

    MPPawn > MPSkins >
  • - Shader'CloneTextures.CloneTextures.CloneCommando40_Shader' becomes Shader'CloneTextures.CloneAdult.CloneAdult_Shader'

    These edits plus standard attachments allow for this player.


    *MPTrandoshan (Trandoshan Team)
    DisplayAdvanced > SkeletalMesh'Clone.TrandoshanMerc' becomes SkeletalMesh'SandAnim1.TrooperNoHelmet'

    (Not essential but keeping uniform with above)
    MPPawn > MPMeshSets >
  • - SkeletalMesh'Clone.TrandoshanMerc' becomes SkeletalMesh'SandAnim1.TrooperNoHelmet'

    MPPawn > MPSkins >
  • - Shader'CloneTextures.TrandoshanMercTextures.TrandoshanMerc_Shader' becomes Shader'CloneTextures.CloneAdult.CloneAdult_Shader'

    SandAmin1.0 > CloneCommandoSet > TrooperNoHelmet (Custom Animation Package)

    Skin > Material > [1] - Shader'CloneTextures.CloneTrooperTextures.CloneTrooper_Shader' becomes Shader'SandTex1.CloneTextures.CloneTrooperBlack_Shader'
    (Custom Made Black Trooper Skin with Shader and Bumpmap)

    These edits plus standard attachments allow for this player. One for Dark Trooper.


Database Properties Edits For Weapons

Modifying Weapons requires basic properties edits.

Weapons, Pickup and Ammo
Inventory > Ammunition and Weapon
Projectile >


Bowcaster for MP

The MP Bowcaster is referred to as Class'Properties.BowcasterPickupMP'

Weapon > Bowcaster and BowcasterMP as necessary
Weapon > NumZoomFOVs = 2 becomes NumZoomFOVs = 4
Weapon > ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 45 becomes additional ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 40(2) = 15, (3) = 5 Slight discrepancy in parent but both agree now.
Weapon > PickupAmmoCount = 32 becomes PickupAmmoCount = 48
Weapon > ReloadCount = 8 becomes ReloadCount = 24
Weapon > ShotDelay = 1 becomes ShotDelay = 0.5

Ammunition > BowcasterAmmo
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 24 becomes MaxAmmo = 48
Ammunition > Damage = 120 becomes Damage = 160


DC-17 Blaster for MP

The MP DC-17 is referred to as Class'Properties.DC17mBlasterWeaponPickupMP'

Weapon > SMG >  DC17mBlasterMP
Weapon > NumZoomFOVs = 1 becomes NumZoomFOVs = 2
Weapon > ZoomFOVs (0) = 85 becomes additional ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 60
Weapon > PickupAmmoCount = 160 becomes PickupAmmoCount = 240
Weapon > ReloadCount = 40 becomes ReloadCount = 80
Weapon > ShotDelay = 0.1 becomes ShotDelay = 0.09

Ammunition > SMGAmmo > DC17mBlasterAmmoMP
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 160 becomes MaxAmmo = 240

Projectile > SMGProj > DC17BlasterProjMP
Projectile > ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.DC_17_Bolt_Proj' becomes ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.SBDLaserBolt'


ACP Repeater for MP

The MP ACP Repeater is referred to as Class'Properties.SMGPickupMP'

Weapon > SMG >  SMGMP
Weapon > NumZoomFOVs = 1 becomes NumZoomFOVs = 2
Weapon > ZoomFOVs (0) = 85 becomes additional ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 60
Weapon > PickupAmmoCount = 160 becomes PickupAmmoCount = 240
Weapon > ReloadCount = 40 becomes ReloadCount = 80
Weapon > ShotDelay = 0.1 becomes ShotDelay = 0.09

Ammunition > SMGAmmo > SMGAmmoMP
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 160 becomes MaxAmmo = 240

Projectile > SMGProj
Projectile > ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.TRAN_SMG_projectile' becomes ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.Wook_Bow_Projectile'


DC-15s Side Arm Blaster for MP

The MP DC-15s Side Arm Blaster is referred to as Class'Properties.DC15sMP'

Weapon > DC15s and DC15sMP as necessary
Weapon > NumZoomFOVs = 2 remains
Weapon > ZoomFOVs (0) = 85 becomes additional to MP but not parent as that's already assigned ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 65 as per default for SP
Weapon > ShotDelay = 0.2 becomes ShotDelay = 0.15

Ammunition > CTAmmoRecharging > DC15Ammo
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 5 becomes MaxAmmo = 8
CTAmmoRecharging > RechargeRate = 1.5 becomes RechargeRate = 2.5


Shotgun for MP

The MP Shotgun is referred to as Class'Properties.ShotgunPickupMP'

Weapon > Shotgun and ShotgunMP as necessary
Weapon > NumZoomFOVs = 1 becomes NumZoomFOVs = 2
Weapon > ZoomFOVs (0) = 85 becomes additional ZoomFOVs (0) = 85, (1) = 65.
Weapon > PickupAmmoCount = 16 becomes PickupAmmoCount = 32
Weapon > ReloadCount = 8 becomes ReloadCount = 16
Weapon > ShotDelay = 1.1 becomes ShotDelay = 0.9

Ammunition > ShotgunAmmo
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 16 becomes MaxAmmo = 32


AA for MP

The MP AA is referred to as Class'Properties.DC17mAntiArmorMP'

Weapon > DC17mAntiArmor and DC17mAntiArmorMP as necessary
Weapon > PickupAmmoCount = 4 becomes PickupAmmoCount = 6
Weapon > ShotDelay = 0.6 becomes ShotDelay = 0.7

Ammunition > DC17mAntiArmorAmmo
Ammunition > Damage = 400 becomes Damage = 150
Ammunition > MaxAmmo = 4 becomes MaxAmmo = 6

Projectile > CTProjExplosive > AntiArmorProj
Projectile > ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.DC_17_AA_Proj' becomes ProjectileEffect = Class'CTEffects.Therm_Det_Ribbon'
Projectile > HitEffectsByMaterial = Class'PhysicalMaterials.DC17mAAEffects' becomes HitEffectsByMaterial = Class'PhysicalMaterials.ThermalDetEffects'
Projectile > Damage = 400 becomes Damage = 150


Sniper for MP

The MP Sniper is referred to as Class'Properties.DC17mSniperWeaponPickupMP'

Weapon > DC17mSniper and DC17mSniperMP as necessary
Weapon > ValidRange > Max = 7000 becomes Max = 20000

Ammunition > DC17mSniperAmmo
Ammunition > Range = 10000 becomes Range = 20000


Database Properties Edits For AI and Player Accuracy/Health/Shields and Associated Areas

Modifying AI Accuracy requires basic properties edits.

AI Accuracy
Pawn > *CTPawn



Droid > *BattleDroid > AI > Accuracy = 0.9 becomes Accuracy = 0.95


Geonosian > *GeonosianDrone > AI > Accuracy = 0.5 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Geonosian > *GeonosianDrone > Pawn > MaxHealth = 50 becomes MaxHealth = 80
Geonosian > *GeonosianDrone > Pawn > Shields = 0 becomes Shields  = 20
Geonosian > *GeonosianDrone > Pawn > ShieldColor = 0 becomes ShieldColor  = B6 - G213 - R230

Geonosian > *GeonosianElite > AI > Accuracy = 0.7 becomes Accuracy = 0.85

Geonosian > *GeonosianWarrior > AI > Accuracy = 0.5 becomes Accuracy = 0.9


MPPawn > *MPClone > Pawn > ShieldColor = B230 - G163 - R96 becomes ShieldColor  = B0 - G94 - R2

MPPawn > *MPTrandoshan > Pawn > ShieldColor = B57 - G57 - R238 becomes ShieldColor  = B1 - G55 - R243



Republic > *CloneTrooper > AI > Accuracy = 0.6 becomes Accuracy = 0.9

Republic > *Wookie > AI > Accuracy = 0.85 becomes Accuracy = 0.9



Trandoshan > *TrandoshanMercenary > AI > Accuracy = 0.65 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Trandoshan > *TrandoshanMercenary > *TrandoshanMercenaryConc > AI > Accuracy = 0.85 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Trandoshan > *TrandoshanMercenary > *TrandoshanMercenaryFriendly > AI > Accuracy = 0.75 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Trandoshan > *TrandoshanMercenaryGrenadier > AI > Accuracy = 0.75 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Trandoshan > *TrandoshanScav > AI > Accuracy = 0.75 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
Trandoshan > *TrandoshanSlaver > AI > Accuracy = 0.65 becomes Accuracy = 0.9
