Sandcrawler Map Pack Good to Go

Started by arramus, April 22, 2007, 09:10:51 AM

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Quote from: "arramus"
Quote from: "flame"I love to have my DM_Engine_fxv2 inckuded, its in mydownload section  :D

Thanks. I downloaded it. I'm getting some render blackouts at the doors leading into the new area. Can you take a look at that please?

unfornately I dont have unrealed on my computer anymore and for some reason it won't allow me to uninstall it, it wasnt able to figure out why it did that, can you or someone else with more experience than me look at it and fix it if you can?


Quote from: "Sandcrawler"007 Temple
Arena A51
Hidden Base
Impass Isles
Sniper Wars
Chapel of Pain
Windslasher: Cargo Bay

Thise are the ones I would like to see, in addition to the ones you already have there.

Thanks. That'll bring us over the 50 custom map count and I'll release the first build to the public. Other modders who are still fixing up their maps, didn't respond to this request or have MIPs can always add to the next pack update.


Any more maps that are finished (all brushes aligned, etc) and are ready for the map pack?

I'd like to hear from the creators themselves on this one.

If you miss out this time round then np as there'll be an update in future.


The Sandcrawler Mod Version 1 is good to go and for the time being can be downloaded from here. ... einfo.html

The features of this mod include:

57 Custom MP Map Files
Custom Character Models/Textures
Weapon Tweaks
SP Map and AI Accuracy Tweaks

This mod runs changed stock files from a unique folder and will not clash with retail files. As such, you will have a Mod Desktop Shortcut to enable quick loading of Sandcrawler Mod Version 1.


well for the Sandcrawler Mod v1 how does it work? does it work like Sandcrawler Beta mod #2


When you run the installation application it will install everything for you at one time. It doesn't replace your regular files at all as it makes a new unique mod folder.

Simply click on the Desktop Shortcut it adds and you can join a server running the mod that way.


my computer is running a liitle (very small) slower, but I want a higher ping on all servers, when I click join game on internet, it sometimes says No Servers Found. I would like to know if I can save any maps on a thumb drive and use it when I am playing. Also I would like to know if there is anything wrong if this happens, and should I re-install the gamespy thing


You want a lower ping server and the server list for SWRC is commonly buggy. It's been like that since the beginning and needs some serious netcoding repairs.

I don't think you should attempt to run maps from a thumb drive as it's probably pretty slow at transferring data quick enough. You'd also need to change some RC .ini files to tell it where to look for your maps.


ok thx for the tip arrumus I will not use a thumb drive