Change Squadmember Names

Started by Armadio, June 17, 2007, 05:13:10 AM

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Hey ppls, i have a problem.
i want to change the name of one of my rcs, cause i startet a sp map.

almost everything (animations, voice...) works, but i cant find the option where i can change the name of my squadmembers

pls help


Nice to see someone working on a SP map! Unfortunately I cannot help you with your problem, but I'm sure some of the guys here is versed in that :biggrin


Thx, i tried doing SPmapping and there i saw that it is almost easy... sorry 4 bad english.^^
But i made a longer pause and so i have to remember all the Things like placing sharpshooter pos. or doing the animation with the rope, but i hope i can remember the options^^
But i'll write the news about the map here...

So, maybe someone else can help.
I think somewhere i saw a Thread, where someone did this action. He made a bigger squad with own names and number on the map "Hangar". If u remember the thread to, can u give me the link pls?


Now i know every setting i need. i know how to do squadmarkers, i know how change names, numbers and other things. i began a map on kashyyyk... but i could need a mate, who helps me diong themap. if any1 would like to be my partner, write me a pm...

ive heard DooFi is german, me too, so i would like to team up with doofi, but if u dont want, ok...

edit: tja, sorry, mein RC funzt seit geraumer Zeit nimmer, RC-Mapping hab ich aufgegeben... //DooFi


@DooFi: oke, irgendwie geht mein editor auch nicht mehr...

so, now there's a bigger problem... yesterday i startet my editor, but windows couldnt open it, it found a problem...

so i saved the map and installed the game again, but the problam was there after ionstalling new too...

so, maybe someone could help me...

soon ill add some screens...


]@DooFi: oke, irgendwie geht mein editor auch nicht mehr...
to bad


the editoris loadin till "loading script packages", then there s openig a window with "windows has found a problem" (or like this)...

maybe u can help...


Dude I know how change name i show you



[es ist doch cool oder]


if you want to sound really cool, you can leave out the "es" in that case. Like you can leave out "Das" for example in "Das habe ich gemacht". Just say "Hab' ich gemacht", it sounds more colloquial and not that stiff then, lol

colloquial language ftw :mrgreen:


Es ist dinglish deutch und english
ich hab nur 1 jahr in deutchland gevont. Sorry Master