Report System On the Website

Started by Sandcrawler, July 02, 2008, 10:14:38 PM

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Ok so I made a post, well here is the poll for it. =)

Basicly you would have to enter you Name, Email, and a confirmation Code. Then it would report your question to somjebody somehow =)

Possiblitys are:
1 Email to me/Suport people.
2 Make a text file with your question that gets updates.
3 Make a Post on the forums.

Now my thoughs behind this is I'm wanting to get away from these forums. Some people have a hard time registering on them, or just don't care to sign up on forums to get help. So I'm not to keen on number 3.

Number 1 isn't my preferance either, because the problum would be if multiple people replied to them.

My preference would be 1 and 2 combined. So it would email just me, then you go to the site, and repost to the text file, that would then email them your reply, and add your reply to the bottom. This would also mean anybody could help.

This would be a pretty simple thing to do, as I have most of the code written for other projects.
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)