Mandos,new levels, and such.

Started by verd1138, February 12, 2009, 01:04:41 PM

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Hey all, had an idea for a new level; but I'm not very versed in the scripting and such.
so I was hoping for two things right off the bat.
1: I need a mandalorian, if someone has one, can make one, or can give detailed instructions for how I can make one without buying new kit, that'd be great!!!
2: I just need general help with the scripting, I.E. getting the squad to do specific things in the level.
"Mandalorians don\'t make threats...we make promises"
"It\'s Hero time!"


"specific things"?
you mean like door breaching, slicing and taking grenade/anti armor/sniper positions?
i don't know how to make most of them, but i suggest you copy them from an existing map  :P

I've been thinking a while about this (also before your post), but never did something with it. Maybe we should mail LucasArts and ask them for some more RC characters for the editor, in order to make sure the RC community doesn't die.
Still I don't now if someone of us should do that.
But I definately know what I would like to have:
- mandalorian
- ep3 clone
- maybe a skirt, lens and shoulderthiny,  for ep2 clones to make them ARC-troopers
- stormtrooper for an imperial commando storyline

And some fellaz for variety, like:
- rodian/duro/weequay sort of scum :P
- human pirate
- jedi (though no need for lightsabers, just to expand story possibilities like order 66)
- sidious hologram (also for order 66 stuff)

They would only have to model them, as the clone-animations are fine enough I think, so no extra need for animations. Well... maybe add some more jumping stuff for the jedi, but not necessarily.
And we could do all the skinning stuff ourselves I guess. Although some LA help with the stormtroopers and e3 clones would come in handy, like some standard skins for the scum creatures and jedi robes as well.


yeah, some LA help would be great.xD
but yeah, door breaches are good, but mainly my problem is paths and stuff, so that they actually go down the hall without droids having to be there.xP
I thought if I could get mandos, or better yet, get someone to tell me how to MAKE mandos, then I could not only make some cool levels, but I want to make a video of some jedi mando commando crossovers.xD
"Mandalorians don\'t make threats...we make promises"
"It\'s Hero time!"


well as far as i know, paths are just a line of pathnodes put behind eachother. the only thing you have to pay attention to the fact that the radii are limited in width by other objects in the vicinity.
for example; a pathnode in an open field will have a default wide radius, but place a rock (brush or static mesh) in that range and the radius will be smaller.

you can probably make characters such as mandalorians with a project called maya. it's a program 50% of the game design industry uses to render objects and characters, and almost 100% of the animation movie industry.
they use it at the study i want to do, but i have to finish my last schoolyear first. so i won't be able to help you anytime soon.

o and be mindful; if you download the Maya Personal Learning Edition you will NOT be able to export your creations. so you can better buy (ahum torrent ahum crack <--- didn't say that) a full version.