uploading maps to DL section problem

Started by flame, August 24, 2006, 05:43:20 PM

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ok maybe im doing this wrong but everytime go to upload my map, i feel out the info on the map and then when i actually upload, it takes me to the map info screen and when i look at the menu bar it show 0 file next to my name, i have compressed the map and filled out all the planks on the info screen but it still does the same thing. can some1 help me or tell me what is going wrong


O Woops, I forgot to mention that I have it set so I ahve to approve the files, that way not just any random person can upload a map, I look over the filename and the files before I approve them. I saw I had 7 uploads from you when I got home today hehe, My fault I didn't metion it and its no metioned anywere on this site. I really should do some kind of tutorial/info post about it. They should eb there now.

This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


that makes sense, thanks SC


Ok, I am uploading the maps i submitted to the site under packs ... I see i get a personal folder thing there! woot, however, I have a question about file size.

If i wanted to send an installer through here with both map packs, how large could it be? cause it would be about 12.3 MB and I don't want to over run the site traffic.

PM me if you can!


have u tried compressing it?


The website has an 8MB upload limit size to it, if you want any bigger files uplaoded you will have to send them to me threw Email.

Actualy an easyer way would be too use:

Just put in my email (mailto:DS.sandcrawler@gmail.com">DS.sandcrawler@gmail.com) and any info or discription you want in the comments box.

I'm gona work on it some and ass If I can get the upload file size limit up to 15 MB. But for now I can still set the files up you just ahve to go threw it a diffrent way.

This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


Actually, we made the installer, and its just over 8 mb, 8.37 or something (i was angered) but, i tried using mega-upload, and people get confused as helllllll. lol

Sulfied Shrike

Was that the install program I mentioned on Red Cell? I've always found that Install Creator has some great compression qualities, far better than RAR.


I had one of our tech guys create an installer, and he sent it to me.

I have it hosted on a crappy site, and i would like to have it hosted here, i would much rather have an easier site for people to download off of. Alot of people like the server, its just that downloading off that site is complicated to some people. and then unzipping, or running the file ... blah blah blah ... the whole reason i went with the installer is because i got tired of spending half an hour explaining to someone how to un-zip a folder :P