RC Coop?

Started by Darktrooper, September 07, 2006, 02:19:28 PM

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This is what I've been fighting with for a while. I can add the AI to the maps but when you run them they fight with one another and totally ignore you. I am looking into the UE scripting areas now, to see if there may be some way to bypass this little problem. If so, we could possibly get them coded to see the player as the enemy only. Yes, DooFi says that the coding is screwed but I want to give it one last try. :P  In F.E.A.R., they took the config and ini files and rewrote them to fit their needs. IDK if this is possible with RC, but I'll keep trying.  :wink:

This is what I get... :shock:


well i dont mean coding is screwed entirely, i only tried to make my own volume (a water volume) once, but i wasn't able to compile it as you'd do for UT2k4. I also attempted to write an AI-Script to tell a pawn to do something, but he didnt react, neither in MP, nor in SP.


I think that rewriting the npc's to work with multiplayer would work


i think sand or arramus already found this to be impossible because it lagged the server and eventually crashed it.


Quote from: "Sh4rpSh00t3r"i think sand or arramus already found this to be impossible because it lagged the server and eventually crashed it.

How many players were on the map?  Wouldn't it make sense if less players made less lag?

Then again, I lag anyways on deathmatch (1 on 1) in a small map...


no, its the simple fact that the server has to send all the ai info threw the net.


Can RC play through networking?  That would save that problem, I think..


maybe it would work then


Quote from: "CJKID14"maybe it would work then

But that is only if you could get the game to play through a network.  Similar to system-link on an X-Box.


TO make the AI only fight u need to go to the proberties of the AI by double cliicking it and going under hidden find validenemy and change it from false to true

or if u want the AI on a team change the Team index also in the properties of the

You have x fire mabe i can help u out?


Quote from: "bssgunnershooty"TO make the AI only fight u need to go to the proberties of the AI by double cliicking it and going under hidden find validenemy and change it from false to true

or if u want the AI on a team change the Team index also in the properties of the

You have x fire mabe i can help u out?

the topic you posted on is 3 years old lol