Changing the text

Started by bannoni, March 26, 2010, 06:21:12 AM

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Heya guys. In Repcom a guy called ******** recently found out how to change the writing text for his kill streaks. Like Iron is Pwning you and stuff like that. I was wondering how this is done? He did not use Unreal but did it ingame. So if anyone can help I would be gratefull.


In system.ini in the RC/system folder there is a block that deals with what to say when you reach X kills.
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ou give me exactly what to search please. Also when there how do I edit it?


Its not in there, guess it was a different game I was thinking of.

If you check around in the different ini and int files in the system fodler you should be able to find it. Just open them with WordPad.
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The only place I've found so far is through the Unreal Editor actor browser list. It gives kills streak message options for what the client sees and a different set for what the rest of the players on the server see.


yeh dont think anyones changed messages yet . maybe next sandcrawler mod will have sum groovy new messages hehe.
would be nice if the mystery "finder" posted a "how to " for the rest of the community to learn from  and utilise 8-)


Well for Unreal Tournament 2004 they were set in the system file. I saw it the other day :P
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i think its in the actorclassbrowser untikkd placeable classes INFO general  area theres a lot of the message prompts in that general area  and also much you can change in the MENU area like the class names in customise . its a mountain of slow painstaking trawling tho, :shock:


Yes but then how did TX ironhide do it?


Ask him?

Or search the RC files for a location to change it at.
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