Clone Commandant vs Clone Commando

Started by RyuzakiL.Lawliet, April 15, 2010, 06:20:21 AM

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Hi dear members of

I'm Prodigy(or Ryuzaki) and i'm here to present my first multiplayer mod.

I change the clonecommando into clonetrooper and trandoshans into clonecommando.

For the moment i don't have change the trandoshans hudarms and i don't change the trandoshans voices cause i don't know how to do it :mrgreen:

If you want this mod you can download it here: ...

The mod files are in the mod document and the originals files are are in the 'fichier originaux' document.

I add dc-17 for the two teams and flashbangs ;) . In Clonetrooper team, there are: Deviss,Bly,Rex,Gree and Thire and in clonecommando team there are: Kettch,38,Darman,Tracyn and Niner.







Hope you appreciate

PS:Sorry if i did some mistakes but i'm french :mrgreen:


Well i an help you.
1. To change the Header name ie Clone Commando or Trandoshan
open unreal ed goto Actor Class Browser ,Untik the placeableclasses box, goto MENU,
There you will see cCloneName and cTrandoName  that cell is where you can rename.
in MenuCustomiseCharacter is also where you can change the SKIN NAMES. but i dont bother with that myself..
2. To change voicepaks its easy but slow...this way
open unreal ed goto Actor Class Browser ,Untik the placeableclasses box, goto INFO
VOICEPAK  there you will see the 3 MPVOICE for clone and trando
ok so clik on mpvoicedelta07 Default properties and mpvoicetrandomerc01 Default properties.. bring them up side by side click on VOICEPACK on each to see dropdowns
click on ACKSOUND you get the dropdowns,
its a simple case of COPY AND PASTE from the cell to the trando alternative.
or if you are changing commando to trando its the other way about
all those you copy and paste and its 3 sets of voices to do !! takes a while like 25minutes easy..its a simple workaround but slow to do and easy to make mistake.
3. You can change the suqad id numbers and names also if you want for your mod !!
Heres how to do...Open Unreal ED goto ActroClassBrowser PAWN,CTPAWN,REPUBLIC,CLONECOMMANDO
there listed is sev,42 and 62 . If u right clik Default properties on any 1 of them and goto
HIDDEN and scroll down youll see a cell for HudDescription and HudNickname
there you can change the name and number appearing on your HUD..
Of course the audio will still refer to them as their original names


After helping TX do their "Pro" mod i realised that there is a Model Hudarms bug when you change the trandoshan skeletal mesh to a clone variant. So i had to remake all mi megamods pak to fix.!! baah
This Bug is if you change trando to a clone and change the TrandoPistolMesh in HIDDEN in the MPPAwn,MPCLONE,MenuMPclone,MPTRANDO,MenuMPTrando. it will still remain trando hudarms upon spawn until you make first wep pikup. The way round itis to goto the INVENTORY and whatever weps you have as the initial spawn weps of the trando class. by default it is SMGTRANDOMP and DC15sMP if you goto the DisplayAdvanced in each wep and copy the hudarms mesh cell and paste it in HIDDEN of each wep  ALTERNATIVE SKELETALMESH . If you do this for both the spawn weps whatever u have them as it will be kool.if you have changed the spawn weps to sumthin else u must do so in those weps !! 8-)
change the trandoshans hudarms ?? got ActorClassBrowser. PAWN<CTPAWN MPPAWN overview DEFAULT PROPERTIES goto  HIDDEN  TRANDOPISTOLMESH  SkeletalMesh'HudArms.tHudArmsDC15s'     delete the  t    .
if u open unreal ed and goto actorclass browser and scroll down to PAWN , CTPAWN youll see MPPAWN and REPUBLIC.. If its for MP you go into the MPPAWN clikonit so its MPCLONE and MPTRANDO right clik defaultproperties go into either u wanna change goto PAWN then goto REQUIREDEQUIPMENT
In trando its
if u wanna change it to another wep u rename it the other wep u wanna replace it eg Properties.BattleDroidBlaster or Properties.DC15BlasterClone from INVENTORY which u get to if u open unreal ed and goto actorclass browser and untik placeableclasses box there u get all the weps listed ..
DO same in MPCLONE,MenuMPclone,MPTRANDO,MenuMPTrando :idea:

If you want to add IRONSIGHTS ZOOM to your mod also ?
IRONSIGHTS isnt hard to do man. i usually in mi mods have done it for all the weps. so they can be used on any modmap.
what to do ?
goto actroclassbrowser . untik the placeableclasses box, goto inventory WEAPON and there listed is all the weps. the MP weps have MP after them.
BOWCASTER MP Default properties..
goto WEAPON scroll down to NumZoomFOVS there is the amount of zooms .its listed as 2 i increase it to 3.
Then scroll down to ZOOMFOVS its 0-85 the standard view , 1-45 and i made 2 -20
its listed there as 85 .
its the same for all the other weps 0-85 and i make them all 1-65 cos much more than that it looks silly.
TO CHANGE DAMAGES its AMMO at the top you go into each ammo for the relevant wep and goto Ammunition and theres a Damage cell there you can alter the wep damage..  
ROF isin each wep in AI the cell is called BURST COUNT