Started by frazscotland, December 11, 2009, 07:45:20 AM

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im trying to make a cloneadults vs battledroids thing . unfortunately there is no tutorial on editing ct properties except at map level. anyways it appears to involve changing the mpclone skin set which iv managed and created a seperate adultclones texture. the animation package for the adultclones i linked to the mesh of the clonecommando so i guess its a case of doing that for trandos to battledroids also.  CAN ANYONE HELP WITH ADVICE PLEASe ? DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY KNOW HERE ? also as for accompanying shaders im not sure. i already copied the existing cloneadult shader but for the painted nu adult textures how do i create nu shaders ??? :roll:

Omega 27 Elite

could you make your question clearer? are you making a mp map where YOU can actually play as a clone adult or a droid? or are you making a single player map.
I am a man of many questions...


ah this is a way oldpost like 1 yr ago. wel cant do battledroids in mp just now until can get moded hudarms. the arms bits are actually in the staticmeshes WEAPONS  so itd be a case of rotating the arms to correct position in a map . i can do cloneadults and all the clones clases and most alll meshes for MP even wookie but without appropriate hudarms it look silly.
But for a better modder than me the bits are there already to add Battledroids and geonosians in MP 8)
ive made a few mods already omega and am always learning nu stuff :)