This Weekend

Started by Sandcrawler, August 21, 2011, 11:03:16 PM

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This weekend was a rather busy one, what with Ludum Dare going on. I still accomplished a few things with the website.

- New Ace of Spades Tutorial (Pyspades Map Editor)
- Changes to the tutorials pages (backend admin stuff and almost no one will ever see :) )
- Changes to the Servers page, to reflect the fact that we have two Killing Floor Servers, and one Ace of Spades server.

The servers we have:

32 Slot Ace of Spades Server

All of these servers are hosted by Jest Servers:

You'd be hard pressed to find a better Game Server host, so if your going to rent a Game Server give him a try...he'll host almost anything :)

Expect some additional changes to the website soon, I want to get all of the pages looking more alike, So Contests, Links, Servers, and FAQ pages need to be updates...or removed :P
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)


Quote from: Sandcrawler on August 21, 2011, 11:03:16 PM
- Changes to the Servers page, to reflect the fact that we have two Killing Floor Servers, and one Ace of Spades server.
Just want to mention that the word consider is misspelled at the bottom of the server page. "Please concider donating." The proper spelling is consider.

I just do this to show off my brother's photoshop skillz :D



I wonder when that page was even written, I'm betting 2008 =P

I'll fix it sometime when I bother updating the page, but I bet if you went through all of the pages you would find dozen more mistakes.

Would you like some Con-Cider with your servers? :P

Fixed by removal. It was pointing to the wrong website anyways. I may bring the donation form back at some point, not that anyone donated money anyways. The servers are only running because JestServers was nice enough to provide them.
This is my super cool signature, if you think you can best it then make one and Personal Message it to me. :)