Sandcrawler Mod BETA Version 2 - Feedback

Started by arramus, March 25, 2007, 07:07:27 AM

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The Sandcrawler BETA Mod Version 2 has been uploaded to the download area and is ready for BETA testing. You can make your own server or join the Sandcrawler Mod Server that's set up for testers to join.

All feedback will be much appreciated.


sounds good. how about a Sandcrawler SP mod? that'd open quite a lot more possibilities... i think i'm gunna work on some stealthier maps. you know, where you might gain extra points for knife kills, have cameras allerting you're position by lightin up or sumthin. i'll work on it. but like i said, SP and Stealth are soundin nice atm.
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The mod has some AI tweaks in it giving them more accuracy and more can be added in as the mod already stands.

The Zoom proved really useful in game. Even the pistol was effective.

Here are a few pikkies of what happens when you're not wearing the skin that goes with the player model. The effects make for a zombie squad.

AA in the face. The shields are really glowing now.


Bloody hell that first pic made me do a double take.


Feedback so far has been:
Make the AA release smoke on impact.
Increase the AA strength.
Decrease the DC-17/APC rifle ammo.
Reduce the Trando Heavy power.
Double the reload speed of the Bowcaster.
Make the Sniper rifle a one hit kill regardless of body zone.
Reduce Shotgun damage.
Reduce Conc range.

It'll take a few attempts to get the new settings to a level that is liked or for the worst tolerated by RC gamers but we'll get there.


Updated Bowcaster and AA settings and uploaded BETA 2.