''Smarter" AI

Started by Squad_Sammaron, February 15, 2007, 07:01:02 AM

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I think i found a way to make AI appear Smarter. If you wanted stealth, have Ai wid scripted Paths using path nodes. either set the object as a base to the trigger (forget how to do this: post if you know)  or make the trigger follow the same path. Make the bot friendly to you using the AI Scripted Sequence. Put your trigger radius's name as Hearing_Ring. make it so whenever you you step into the ring, the bot makes a noise and the trigger makes it now hostile (this could screw the crossfire, i mean it will change from green to red, just look weird) It should attack you. you should probably also make a wall that blocks AI pawns, or resets them, so they appear to stay at their post. unfortunatally, a search continues for my RC disk so i can't test this. hope it helps/works :D
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


Hope u find ur RC disc. :wink:


hehe :D thx
Hey, anyone tried this yet?
"Testosterone - You\'ve never seen so much man in one place."
      Title of Regal, Tales of Symphonia
      Stolen by Sammaron, Lord of All


Hi all, im a lil noob modder myself, lol.

Sammaron, try


For a no CD crack.


legal? i doubt it...


i believe if you bought the game, nobody will kill you for installing a noCD crack... But i dont know too much about legal stuff and especially not in the US... xD

Dark Lord

im pretty sure its legal as long as one doesnt distribute or sell it
otherwise, they would ban the ability to rip and burn cds on windows media player and things like that
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade