Adding a Verpine shatter gun....

Started by verd1138, June 19, 2008, 12:16:15 PM

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Hey guys,This is my first forum and I'd like to know how to go about adding my verpine shtter gun to RC, it's a Blender file and its a static mesh at present. But with your help EVENTUALLY I'm hopeing to figure out how to make a fully functioning weapon.

Thx! :D
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No, that's the first problem, I can't figure out how to get it into RC.
see, I don't know how to convert .Blender files into files RC will accept (I think it's .ASE)
"Mandalorians don\'t make threats...we make promises"
"It\'s Hero time!"


I'm certain there is an ASE exporter for Blender. IIRC there even is an inbuilt one. But that will only give you a StaticMesh. For a working weapon you'd probably want to export it as a .X File or something. With animations and all that. Consult a tutorial for UT2k4 to find out if it's doable with RC at all.


"Mandalorians don\'t make threats...we make promises"
"It\'s Hero time!"