Elevator Timing

Started by RC-1266, January 05, 2009, 10:10:48 AM

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I want to make an elevator that does this:

1. Doors are open downstairs, doors are closed upstairs, elevator is downstairs.
2. Player gets in and presses 'f'.
3. Doors downstairs close.
4. Elevator goes upstairs.
5. Doors upstairs open.
6. Player presses 'f'.
7. Doors upstairs close.
8. Elevator goes down.
9. Doors downstairs open.

All the movements should endure 2 seconds. With movements I mean the opening and closing of the doors and the movement of the elevator itself.
The elevator should manouver between two levels (the 'upstairs' and the 'downstairs').

The problem is not the mover's animation itself, and the problem is not adding Navigation Point Triggers. I also made the elevator and the doors.
The problem is definately InitialState (which one do I have to select), maybe the MoveTimes and probably/maybe DelayTime, OtherTime, ReturnLoopTime and StayOpenTime.
Maybe it's something else.
I hope someone here understands enough about movers to help me making this bleeping elevator work, because I have been trying many things, but it just won't work.


Ok ok I kept trying and now I've found a way to make it work.
I gave every mover 4 keypoints.
The first keypoint, the elevator was downstairs, the upstairs door was closed and the downstairs door was open.
The second keypoint, the only movement changing was the downstairs door closing.
The third keypoint, the only movement changing was the elevator moving upwards.
The fourth keypoint, the only movement changing was the upstairs door opening.
The InitialState I applied the TriggerToggle.
Now it works correctly.
Thanks for the help everybody!  :P