The WishingWell Project

Started by knightmare106, June 16, 2009, 04:48:33 AM

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gonna try little by little to evolve this into a full map experience. at the moment its a death box with a well in the center where mostly clots spawn from, as well as 2 sides for others to spawn. so far im only planning on expanding to a second floor that will have a bridge that passes through above this main room, and a long hallway with several rooms and goodies.


whats left to do
-find out why some static meshes wont show textures


A second floor will be helpful. It'll get crammed in there with a full server as it is although that would be quite an experience in itself.


What static meshes arent showing textures or is it simply none showing? it looked like you had around 30+ meshes :/
Anyways, I love the grim feeling :D though make the wood shootable if you catch me, like non-bulletproof xD (patriach couldnt shoot throug the wood :/)
and as arramus stated more floors :o ill be looking foward to playing your map :/


At the moment the static meshes that bother me are the ones with no texture or the default white-ish texture, specifically for me the blood stains around my chair and a couple fences.

- i may add a floor above which served to observe the first floor with a bridge through the middle, and a basement that you could enter using stairs instead of jumping down the well which would just kill you. im also thinking about blocking access to the other levels at first with pre-welded doors to give the map a feel that this facility is in some malfunctioning lockdown. getting back to work on it now.

-the thing thats taking me forever is constantly just booting the map up and playing on it. atm its pretty simple but efficient


Oh does it take like 5 seconds for it too load? or are you having LONG pruning reachspecs? and stuff? if so i had the same issue arramus helped me with mine :/


this is a fun map for me and friends so far, so i wanna share it here. its almost finished. just not zoned and optimized lol :)



the official killing floor forum would not let me register.... i would like to ask if maybe aramus or a kind mod couldforward this information to the official forum as well as let them know that the creator of this map resides here at Sandcrawler Network. thank you in advance if you can do this, if u dont its fine too :)

As far as I am interested in the making of this map, it just needs to be prettied up a little more. I will be sure to do that in time but im sleepy now

+Backround Story
-Intelegence reports another location used to clone speciments, a Leading Horzine complex which boasted a beautiful indoor waterwell. When the head scientist attempted to "breed" specimens down in the well, contact was lost and the lab's lockdown was activated.
-Now you are going in, your duty is to make sure all kinds of "cloning" or "breeding" have ceased and clear the lab of all remaining specimens before the Patriarch arrives to pick up where this failed experiment has left off

+Map Features
-four adequate zones in this level which are the Main corridor,The generator room, the scientist living quarters, and of course the well sector
-two floors
-only three traders at the moment
-The map starts with three welded doors which will take longer than a normal door to unweld, these doors will stop you from reaching more open space,valuable pickups, and of course the trader. It is up to everyone to coordinate when is time to unweld these doors and when its time to kill if you want to beat this level


+download now


You can't register at Tripwire forums?

What's the registration name and error you're receiving?


problem resolved thanks for your concern sir. i hope all my questions didnt bother you guys too much especially arramus thanks to you i can start giving back to this fine community :D high FIVE o_O


A cosmetics update featuring emiters and tweaked lighting.
The main well room spawns were also tweaked so that sirens,FPs,scrakes,or stalkers emerge from the well please feel free to suggest touchups and decorations :)



Oooo. Lots of new goodies in there now to make it start looking populated and lived in. I finally got to all traders in one set of waves and could see how well they functioned. I also managed to unweld all of the locked doors on my own.

More more more more goodies to provide additional cosmetics. It's time consuming and requires more concentration that it really should but the benefits will be there for sure.