Republic Commando Font

Started by RC-1266, December 16, 2007, 02:32:12 AM

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Does someone have the minor RC font? With that I mean the font that for example is used in multiplayer to talk with, the font that is displayed on your HUD in singleplayer etc.
I've been looking around for it quite long but I couldn't find it. I need it because I'm working on a wallpaper and I have to add some text.[/img]


not sure about the minor, i know the major font is "anklepants" or something


yeah thnx, but i already got that one :D


There is no usable font of this. It's just a bitmap-font you can find as a texture in UED if you look around. You can export and use it in your favourite image manipulation program though. But not like a real truetype font.


does that mean i cant use it word and powerpoint untill i somehow manage to convert it? :?
and wasnt that font also used for GTA San Andreas start menu?


ya but that would take a hell of a lot of work, btw I never got the export texture thing to work. oh and it should be in the texture package "fonts" if you want to take a crack at exporting it


ok, i think its not worth the effort then. thanks for the help everyone


hm that link didnt post well...if you want to know what the wallpaper is now you can look here:


i think ive found a font that reasembles a lot with it here: ...


lol you fucked up that image code pretty bad, sorry, lol


i didnt do anything with the font i just found one that looks quite like the one in RC :wink:


i dont have the real one though so if someone has it, let me know please :wink: