Droids playable?!?

Started by [182nd/SGT_CHOPPER], July 29, 2009, 10:28:59 AM

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Do any of u think it wold be possible to replace trandos by droids in multiplayer? I think this wrong place to post this sry just wondering :D



yeh u just have to change the skeletal mesh or somehting ask lTOXIClFraz he dose mods like it al the time.


im working on a mod with pfwskip where you can play as a droid.

in singleplayer you will have a droidsquad.

and in multiplayer there will be clonetroopers and battledroids.
that includes a new voicechat and of course hudarms for the droids which are also already working.

im not sure when we're finished.

btw changing skeletalmesh is not enough. you have to change also the ragdolloverride of the mppawn.
Xfire- viscatus


the one issue with your mod is the droid arms are not going to have moving hands and such right? and they are crouched over which is my my trando mod is better plus in order to make the mod look better you will have to change the holograms to make it look better i am currently thinking of a way to change markers and the like


Quote from: "Neviklink"the one issue with your mod is the droid arms are not going to have moving hands and such right?

negative. i found a way to attach staticmeshes to bones. that means the animations are still the same. and its already working for a couple of weapons( anitarmor,atteturret,beam,conc,dc17m,eweb and some more).
Xfire- viscatus


ooo yeh. i know pfw are gonna be releasin this soon and it be a stormer mod. also i think maybe the nu sandcrawler mod wil be similar .
i was thinkin maybe pfw and sandcrawler could make joint mods
BATTLEDROID (on speederbike) vs TRANDO (on speederbike)
CLONE (on speederbike) vs TRANDO (on speederbike)
CLONE (on speederbike) vs BATTLEDROID (on speederbike)
i think ppl would dig that for a crazy mod in MP
it might be hard to do cos its ataching static meshes etc but i think it would be very popular  8-)  :D


fraz it is currently not possible to attach clones to speeder bikes beacuse the turret clone arms are at the right angle and VI the fingers still wont be moving so get owned


you have no idea what i mean, right?

i attach staticmeshes to the bones of the arms. also to the bones of the fingers. i have made staticmeshes for most of the bones and it works already.
ill post screenshots later.
.."get owned", ha.. :P
Xfire- viscatus


hmm i think ccp iv will work it out nevik jus wait. yes u could make speederbike mesh like a turret but in hidden properties init u change it to bCanTravel TRUE eheheh ?? :geek:
cos speederbike has to hav a blaster on it maybe sbdblaster for its gun. i think it b kool i know id like to fly about on a speederbike on sandcrawler server blasting away round anchorhead map hehe :idea: